Chapter 3

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Krista's POV

I've noticed that every time I have a question I get interrupted. I looked at the dog tags, there were just names on them. I put them outside Ymir's jacket I was wearing. Ymir had a small limp as she walked downstairs and called Annie. "Hey Annie, come pick me up at Krista's." I left Ymir to the phone call and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and drunk it as I went to my walk-in pantry. I looked around for a snack as I waited for Annie.

I jumped when I felt arms wrap around me. I turned to see Ymir scanning the food, "Goldfish." I grabbed the carton shaped box if Goldfish. Ymir kissed me gently as I held onto the carton. She stopped kissing me and lead me to the living room. She sat down and tried to pull me down onto her lap. I looked at her worriedly, "What if I hurt you?"

"You won't princess." I hesitantly sat in Ymir's lap. I heard her gasp a bit. I turned around gently, "Are you okay?" Her face was light pink and she nodded her head. I turned back around and ate the goldfish. I wanted to mess with Ymir, but I didn't know if she felt better down there. Ymir had a grasp around my waist and squeezed me a little.

I knew she was in the mood. I spread my legs so they were falling off the sides of Ymir's. I slid my hips back onto her. She gasped a bit. Ymir moved my hips for me. I felt her start to get a hard-on. I rubbed the small amount of butt I had on her erection. She was gasping a little loud as she rubbed my butt harder onto her.

The doorbell rang interrupting us. Ymir groaned as she kept a grip on my waist. I was also horny, but right now was not the time. I stood up and went to the door. I opened the door and invited Annie and Sasha in. Sasha went straight to trying to find the kitchen and Annie followed behind her. I went to the living room that is connected to the kitchen, "Did we interrupted you two?" I asked wondering what they were doing before Ymir called them. Annie looked at me from the kitchen table, "We were watching a movie, Pacific Rim."

"I've never seen it. I don't know where Ymir we-"

"I'm right here." Ymir turned the corner wearing another grey hoodie. Annie nodded and we all headed to the car, she had a dark grey, two doored Mustang GT. I looked at it in awe, "How did you guys get this?" Annie looked at me with a dumbfounded look, "It's not ours, it's Sasha's." Sasha hopped into the car and started it, the rumble making a loud earthquake like shake. Annie moved her seat for Ymir and I to get in. Ymir sat with her leg on the seat and her back to the small window. I slid beside her and put my back onto her chest. She laid her head into the nape of my neck and sniffed me, "You smell good."

"Thanks Ymir, but I don't know how because I'm wearing your other hoodie." She didn't talk after that. Sasha turned her bass on and played hip hop music. Annie used her phone as a GPS to a side restaurant in their turf. Sasha followed it all the way to a place called, Sharkey's.

We went inside and everyone stared at us. Every single person in there had there eyes glued to us. Ymir glanced at the waitress and she started to get flustered and drop our menus. Once she got ahold of our menus she took us to our table. The waitress was shaking, I felt bad for her. She dropped the menu and I picked it up for her, "Here you go." I smiled and handed her the menu. She smiled and set it on the table, "Thank you." She walked away and we all sat down. A waiter came over to us with a notepad.

The man didn't seem scared, he seemed angry. He was throwing glares at Ymir. Ymir glared back, no emotion in her eyes, "What are you doing on my turf Gunther." It kind of scared me the way her voice dropped an octave.

"I have a message for you from the chief. 'You won't be so happy when we get our hands on your loved ones'." Ymir chuckled, "I wanna see him try. I'm going to tell you this once, you either get your goons and get off my turf, or me and Annie take all you to the hospital." This side of Ymir's was never the best side to see. Gunther looked threatened and spoke into a mic on his clothes, "You guys heard her, retreat and regroup." Ymir sat back in her seat as our real waiter came up to us, "What would you like to drink?"

<Time skip>

We all decided to play pool at one of the free fuzzy tables. Annie and Ymir went to the bathroom so me and Sasha we're sitting on the high chairs talking around school grades. Two giant buff guys came over to us, making us feel like cramped ants. "Hey ladies, what are you gals doing over here alone? We can make you company." The man pulled his jacket back to show a pistol. I didn't know what to do.

Sasha looked over at me worried and scared. The man had a gun, what was I supposed to do. The man reached over at me and grasped the dog tags, "Just who we're looking for." One guy yanked me up and the other guy yanked Sasha up. They escorted us out of Sharkey's and to a black SUV. I held Sasha's hand as we got to the car. They were parked in front of Sasha's car. I walked a little closer to Sasha and whispered, "Sasha, your car."

Sasha leaned over to me, "Annie holds my keys because I always lose them."

"Stop talking!" One of the men said opening the SUV door. We climbed into the quiet car. There was another girl in the front passenger seat. She was wearing grey sweatpants and a green shirt with a symbol on it of twisted roses. She turned around in her seat as the car started, "You must be Krista, I've heard a lot about you; a straight A student, mom doesn't work, but father is a discipline official at the state prison, has been dating Ymir for a year and a half, and tomorrow is their anniversary. I know everything about you."

"Why do you need me?" Sasha asked, fright in her voice. I felt offended in a way, 'He wants me to get hurt?!' the girl turned more to look at Sasha, "I can't have a witness, Ymir and Annie will find me too quickly." The girl looked back at me and saw the dog tags around my neck. She grabbed them quickly, breaking the chain. She chuckled, she put down her window and threw them out, "Stupid girl." 

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