Chapter 8

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*Mature/Sexual themes*

She was confused at why we needed her to be quiet. "Mikasa, you have to be quiet. If you aren't quiet then we'll get our asses kicked."

"What are you talking about?" Mikasa pushed herself out of Annie's grip. I sighed and looked at Annie, "Should we tell her?"

"Tell me what?" Mikasa was getting very impatient, so i spilled. "Mikasa, Dad has been abusing me and Annie for our whole lives, ever since we were toddlers. We can't fight back because he's threatened to call on the cops on us if we ever hit back. He's trained us into fighting and forced us to take fighting classes. We didn't tell you any of this because we didn't want you to hate Dad like we do. You seemed so happy when you were around him, you never noticed us being hit or beat up because he wouldn't let you see this happen."

I started to get choked up on my words due to the memories so Annie continued for me, "He would take you to your room and tell you to stay in there. He would come back downstairs and hit us as much as he wanted to, there was no mercy. He would take us out to the closest part of the woods and beat us. We had no choice, but to accept it. If we told anyone, he kill us and make it look like an accident." I could tell Annie was trying to keep herself together, but as soon as a stray tear fell from her eye she wiped it away.

"Girls, come down stairs!" Mom yelled. We all looked at each other and hesitated to get up. Before Mikasa went out the door, I stopped her, "Let me go first."


"Because if anyone is going to get hit, then he can hit me. I'm not letting you guys get hurt." I walked ahead of them and downstairs. Dad was watching us very closely, anger about to burst. Mom was in the kitchen and smiled at us, "Can you three help me make dinner for tonight?" We plastered fake smiles and nodded. We all got onto different jobs, Annie peeling potatoes, Mikasa cutting chicken breasts, and me helping mom set the table.

I heard the doorbell go off and I immediately went to see who it was. I opened the door and saw Sasha and her Mom and Dad. I frowned because i was in the mood to see Krista. "Come in." Sasha walked faster then her parents and I. She ran and hugged Annie from behind, "Hey Babe."

I heard the doorbell ring moments after and I knew that was Krista. I quickly walked to the door and opened it. Krista hugged me tightly, "Ymir!" I picked her up to move her out of her parents way so they can come in. They went ahead to the kitchen and left me and Krista at the door. I put her down and kissed her.

I put my hands on her butt and squeezed. She stood on her tippy toes to get higher up to me. I picked her up from her butt and skillfully walked upstairs to the guest bedroom. I gently threw her on the bed and locked the bedroom door. I crawled on top of her, but she flipped us around so she was straddling my hips.

I squeezed her thighs every once in a while. I put my hands in shirt to touch her smooth skin, "Ymir.." I kept one hand in her shirt and used the other one to pull at her hair. She moaned lightly at the tug of her hair. I moved both my hands to her butt and grinded her along my growing erection. She moaned a little making my heart jump a bit.

"Fuck Krista..." I pulled her tongue and bit her lip. I flipped us over so she was under me. I lifter her shirt to show her black bralette that barely covered her nipples or really anything. I kissed around and down one breast then the other. I sucked on the side of her breast and left hickeys. I started leaving hickeys down her stomach. I pulled the front, the button and zipper, down to show her underwear which matched her bralette. I kissed above her pantie line and then left a hickey.

Once i pulled away, Krista whimpered and looked up at me. Her face was red and I was sure as hell ready to fuck, but there was no protection and three families downstairs. I kissed her again on the lips and stuck my hands up the bottom of her shorts to grab her soft ass. She grinded her hips up to mine to make some kind of friction and to make room for my hands.

"Ymir, Krista, dinner is ready!" I heard someone yell from downstairs. I cursed and got up. I had a visible erection in my pants. I needed to take care of this, "Krista, go downstairs, I'll be right back." I left Krista on the bed.

Annie's POV

I yelled for Krista and Ymir who have been upstairs the whole time dinner is being set out. Sasha tugged on my arm for me to go outside. I followed her and she took to the darkest part of the backyard. I knew exactly what she wanted, she wanted "alone" time. I pushed her up against the large wooden fence and kissed her passionately. I put one of my hands on her butt, then slid it down to pull up one of her legs. She grinded onto me, "Annie...fuck me, here and now." I backed my face up from hers, "You know...I can't do that..not here." Sasha growled a bit in the kiss. I put her leg down and i stuck my hand in her pants, leaving my hand above her underwear. I palmed her gently as she moaned in the kiss.

I maneuvered my hands around the small opening of her underwear to tease her bud. She moaned a bit too loud and she put her head back. I moved my finger on her bud lightly as she was trying her hardest to keep her legs from closing.

"Annie, where are you?" I threw my body off of Sasha as quick as possible, "I'm over here." I walked ahead to where I was visible to Mom. She smiled, "Come inside, we're eating." I looked over at Sasha to see her fixing herself and walking up to me. We walked inside, I washed my hands and got my food. Ymir and Krista were making all kinds of googly eyes at each other. Sasha would sometimes put her hand under the table and grab my dick.

I would have to shoo her hand away at times when i thought i would get hard. Dinner was fine, everyone was happy and smiling, except Dad. Dad never smiled. Mom told me and that ever since we were all born he stopped smiling.

Once we were all done, all the moms started doing the dishes together while all the Dads were talking about politics and drinking beers. Me, Sasha, Ymir, and Krista were sitting outside around a fire we built. The fire wasn't much, but it made us distracted from how cold it was getting outside. I had Sasha sitting on my lap and Krista was sitting on Ymir's lap so we could warm each other up.

It didn't take long for our ladies to fall asleep on us. Ymir's legs were going numb and my arms from holding Sasha up was getting fatally tired. "Do you want to take them upstairs?" I said looking over Sasha to look at Ymir. Ymir nodded and stood up with Krista bridle style. I did the same with Sasha and followed behind Ymir. "They're going to stay the night. We're taking them upstairs."

"I can take the guest room, you can have our room." Ymir suggested. I agreed and walked into me and Ymir's room. I laid Sasha down on the bed and then laid beside her. I kissed her on the forehead, "I love you, Sasha." She moved and cuddled up into my chest. It didn't take even five seconds for me to fall deep into slumber. 

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