Chapter 1

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Ymir's POV

I walked with my girlfriend, Krista, hand in hand to class. I wasn't sure why or how, but she always pulled me to her first period. She seemed excited to go everyday, it was English. She kissed me goodbye and walked into the room. I headed to my class, Chemistry, which was upstairs. As I got to the stairs I was met with my two sisters, Annie, the middle sister; and Mikasa, the youngest sister. They must have came back from talking their girlfriends to class, except for Mikasa. Mikasa is secretly dating one if the teachers, Hanje, the crazy scientist. "Do you guys want to go to the roof?" I asked them, wanting a smoke break. They both shook their heads, "We can't, I can't get detention for skipping. I'm going out with Hanje after school, unless you get detention." Mikasa said and walked up to me glaring. "Don't get detention, Ymir." I smirked, "Fine, I'll take a break during lunch."

I walked upstairs with Annie following behind to her class. The late bell hasn't rung yet so I quickly jogged to Chemistry, that was down the hall. I was two feet away from the door when the bell rang. I cursed when the teacher, Mr. Ackerman, has the door shut. I knocked on the door and watched as he glared at me. He opened the door, already having a lunch detention slip. I went to my seat in the back. Mr. Ackerman gave me my slip. I stuck it in my pocket. 'No smoke break for me than.'


Krista's POV

I was walked to the cafeteria by Ymir. She was frowning like always, but something seemed off, "Hey Ymir, is everything alright?" She looked at me and softened, "I have lunch detention because I was late to class."

"Ymir! I told you not to walk me to class if you are going to be late." I frowned, disappointed that's didn't listen to me. She kissed my forehead, "I gotta go." She went to the front of the cafeteria to the lunch detention tables. I watched her sit at one of the tables. Armin satin front of me with a anatomy textbook. I looked at the front cover to see a man with double limbs and a giant circle around him. I saw the same anatomy picture in the Da Vinci Code.

"Krista, you won't believe what we learned today." Annie and Sasha sat at the table with Eren in tow with Jean hand in hand. I kept my attention to Armin, "What did you learn, it seems interesting."

"We learned about Hermaphrodites in class. In Greek mythology, it's said that females would have male genitalia instead of what they were supposed to have assigned at birth. They can either have male or female. I can go on and on, but I need to get lunch." Armin got up, leaving his book. I saw Annie grab the book and flip through it.

I'm the only person in this entire school that knows that Annie and Ymir are Intersex or Hermaphrodites. They have male organs and characteristics, the deep voice, facial and pubic hair, and growth spurt; but they both have small breasts. Mikasa was the only sister that was born all female. Annie seemed a little angry. There was a seat between us. I leaned over and put my hand on hers, "Annie, you okay?" She looked quickly over at me and moved her hand away, "Why does it matter to you?" Annie put the book back where Armin is sitting. I felt bad for asking. Ymir told me and must have not told Annie that I knew.

I whispered quietly, "I'm sorry." I didn't want anything to eat today because I was wanting to go out to eat with Ymir tonight. I looked at her once again to see her staring at the wall. I played on my phone quietly as everyone was talking and Sasha and Annie were cuddling. I kept to myself until the bell rang. I waited for Ymir to get to me. As she was about ten feet away I was pushed out of the way and was dumped trash on. I fell to the ground with spaghetti all over my new pink blouse.

I looked up at who could have done such a tragedy. I saw Reiner, the school bully. Ymir ran over to me and helped me up. I was already in tears by the time Ymir was beside me. Reiner was laughing loudly as he looked at the mess he made. Ymir helped me up and went to Reiner. She got in his face, "Apologize, now." He laughed, "Fuck you."

Ymir didn't hesitate to throw a fist that connected with Reiner's face. Reiner took a couple steps back. "Apologize!" Ymir was furious. I went up to her and held her arm gently to calm her down, "Ymir, please stop. It's okay." Ymir wasn't listening. "How about you listen to your bitch and stop before you get hurt." Reiner chuckled as he got into a fighting stance. Ymir lunged at the Reiner as punched him in the jaw. Reiner fell to his back onto the floor.

Ymir quickly got on top of him and started landing punches to his face. Annie saw the fight was escalating very quickly and grabbed Ymir off of him. "Ymir stop!" Annie yelled. Ymir was visibly not done, but Annie had a firm grip on her. "Don't you ever call my girlfriend a bitch! Apologize to her you fuck!" Reiner was all bloody. He looked up at me, "Sorry..." I mouthed 'I'm sorry.' to him as I followed Ymir and Annie to the hall. Annie smacked Ymir across the face, "Get ahold of yourself!" Ymir has no expression on her face as she kept her hair in front of her face. I watched quietly. Ymir pushed Annie away and quickly headed to the stairs. I went to follow her but Annie stopped me, "Let her calm down."


"Get to class." The principal, Mr. Smith said to us as he headed to the cafeteria. I didn't say anything else to Annie and I headed away from her. Once she was out of site I skipped steps to the roof. I opened the door to see Ymir sitting quietly on the other side of the roof. I walked over to her, "Ymir?" She was startled a bit and turned around. She stood up and walked over to me so we met in the middle of the roof. I could tell she needed a hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she wrapped her arms around my waist tightly.

"I...I'm sorry." I rubbed her head, "It's okay, I know you tried to protect me." We stopped hugging but stayed close. Ymir leaned down, me being 4'9 and her being 5'7, to kiss me. She hates having to bend down so much so she usually picks me up by my butt so I can wrap my legs around her waist. Ymir stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes, "Call your mom, tell her to pick us up." I didn't know if she wants to do what I think she wants to do, but I got my phone out and dialed Mom's number. She answered, "Hello Historia." I started to fake cry, "Mommy, I was in lunch...and and...this guy threw is lunch on me...and pushed me to the floor."

"Oh honey, I'll come get you."

"Thank you Mommy, and Ymir is coming with us. I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up and smiled at Ymir.

Ymir x Krista: The TurfsWhere stories live. Discover now