Chapter 6

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*There are scenes of Physical Abuse in this chapter*

I sat in the hospital bed very confused and worried, "What's going on? What happened?" No one spoke up. 'Is she going to be okay?' we waited for a doctor...anyone to tell us what's going on. After twenty minutes, a nurse walked in, "Family of Leonhart?"

"Yes." Ymir's dad said. I listened intently to find out she was shot and the bullet scrapped her liver. She's in surgery and it might take a while. It's either bad luck or my fault that she got hurt.

Annie's POV

'I should go see Sasha and probably get her something to eat too.' I looked at Dad as he checked his phone, "I need three dollars in ones." Dad looked at me and hesitated before handing me the money. I walked out of the room and to the vending machines. I looked around the junk food for something Sasha would like. I saw a honey bun and Lay's chips, she likes both, but I also need food. 'Fuck it.' I bought the honey bun and chips. They were both $1.50 and I only had three dollars. I walked to her room, room 276.

As I headed down the hallway, I saw Sasha's Dad staring at me. I didn't make eye contact with him and kept on to Sasha's room. I opened the door and walked in. Sasha smiled as she saw me with food. Sasha reached for the snacks, "You got me food? Thanks Babe." I handed her the snacks as she opened the honey bun. I sat in the chair beside her bed. She must have noticed that i was a bit troubled, "Are you okay Ann?" I looked up at Sasha, worry in her eyes, "Ymir was shot, the adrenaline running through her stopped and she went unconscious in Krista's room. She's in surgery now. The bullet grazed her liver."

"Oh my, I hope she's okay." Sasha said biting into the honey bun. She put the honey bun in my face, but i declined her offer, "No thanks." She frowned, "You haven't ate since Sharkey's."

"I'm fine Love." She continued eating as i checked my phone. Mom texted me, it's been about two years since she's talked to us.

Mom=Hey Sweetie, I know it's been a while but me and your father might be getting back together. I'll be at the house by 12 tonight.

Annie- Are you sure you want to move back in? Dad hasn't changed, what if he hits you again?

M=He's changed, he said himself he has. I believe him.

A=I love you, but if he hurts and Ymir are not going to hold back anymore.

M=Don't worry my little Ann, we will all be okay.

A=Whatever you say...

Mom didn't text back so i put my phone in my pocket. "Who texted you?" I looked up at Sasha with her mouth full, "Mom, she's moving back in with us." Sasha went wide eyed, "But you said that he-"

"Yeah, I know...Mom doesn't need to be hurt anymore. If she really want to in; me, Mikasa, and Ymir will also have too." I put my head on the bed, my feelings being conflicted. Sasha put her delicate hand on my hair, "Why don't call the cops. He's been hurting you for how long and you just let him? I won't be able to stand around and watch-" I whipped my head up and glared at her, "Look, I don't know!...I'm sorry, I didn't meant to get angry. I don't want Mikasa to hate me for calling the cops."

"Annie, which one is more important, your physical and mental health or your sister?" Sasha was making a good point. I've been depressed my whole life, but...I really don't know what to do. Someone walked in, "Annie, I'm going home to meet your mother there. I expect you to be home by 2AM." he left me in the room with Sasha. "I'm going to take a nap." I said as I put my head on the bed and closed my eyes.

Krista's POV

We waited timidly for someone to tell us Ymir is out of surgery. It's about already 2AM and no one- "Leonhart family?" Mom and Dad are asleep on the leather beige couch, Annie is probably with Sasha, and Ymir's Dad left. "Yes?" I said wanting Ymir's condition and location in the hospital. "Ms. Leonhart is perfectly fine, she's in stable condition. I pulled some strings so she can be in the room beside this one."

"Thank you so much." I said cheerfully. The doctor smiled, "You're welcome." I wanted to see Ymir, but I can't get out go bed. I needed to call Annie or Sasha. I grabbed my phone and called Sasha, "Hello?"

"Hey Sasha, can you tell Annie that Ymir is okay and is in the room beside mine?"

"Yeah, no problem." She hung up and left me with the slumber of my parents.

Annie's POV

I was getting shaken to wake up. I looked at Sasha, "Wake up Babe, Ymir is out of surgery." I turned to face her fully and look at her eyes, "What time is it?" 'It can't be that la-'

"It's 2:15." I felt my body drop. Sasha looked at me worried, "What's wrong?" I jumped up quickly and kissed her forehead, "I got to go, love you." I heard Sasha faintly say, 'I love you too' as i ran out. I didn't have time to visit Ymir, I want going to get my ass beat anyway. I don't have a car and i rode in the ambulance here. If i take a taxi, then i won't have enough money; if i take the bus, then i will be extra late. I decided to sprint to the house. It was pretty far, but i couldn't risk the chance of being anymore late.

Even if Mom is here, he will still hit me no matter what. Once I made it to the house, I kept the smallest profile i could. I was never late to curfews for a reason. I crawled the side of the house to me and Ymir's room. I went through the window and shut it behind me. I walked in the dark to my bed until the lights shined bright into my eyes. I blocked my eyes and stumbled a bit when i was pushed violently. I opened my eyes faintly to see Dad, angry as fuck. He slapped the shit out of me, making my head hit the wall. I fell to the ground and was kicked in the cheek, "Stop!" I yelled, knowing my pleas won't work, but i have to try.

He kicked me repeatedly in the stomach and around my lower regions. I swear he kicked one of my nuts. I used my arms to block most of the blows from his feet. He picked me up from the front collar of my shirt and punched me repeatedly in the face. I knew that my face would bruise horribly and i would have a nasty black eye. He finished me off with a hard blow to the stomach, making me cough up blood. He threw me to the ground and stood over me, "Don't ever be late again, understand?" I tried my hardest to nod.

Once he walked out and i heard him shut the master bedroom, I started weeping in the corner of the room. It hurt to even move, to even make a slight movement of breathing it hurt. I attempted to stand up, I needed help. 'Mikasa! If i call her then she'll find out what Dad does to us. Fuck it!' "Mikasa!" I said in a quiet yell. I crawled over to the wall where her room was on the other side. I knocked the SOS signal to her, . . . - - - . . .

I knocked the same thing over and over. I heard the door open and saw Mikasa come running to me. I could barely see her because my eyes were swollen and blackened. She was crying, "Annie, what happened?" My lip was busted in two different places and one of my teeth were definitely chipped, "Bathroom...take me to..." I didn't need to finish when Mikasa got what i said. She put one of my arms around her shoulder and helped me to the bathroom. Once we walked in she set me on the toilet seat. "I'll call the ambula-"

"NO!...don't...hand me the first aid kit." Mikasa did what i said and also handed me a wet rag. I took off my shirt to see multiple bruises, my body turning purple and dark blue. Mikasa stared in horror, "Annie...what happened? Did you get jumped?"

"Stop talking." Mikasa did what i said and started to help wrap up my wounds. I didn't want to tell her what Dad would break her heart. Once we were done, Mikasa took me back to me and Ymir's room and laid me on the bed gently. "Annie, you're crying..." I put my hand up to my eye and felt tears. I turned my head away, "Leave." Mikasa left me alone in the dark room. I couldn't keep myself from shedding a couple tears. I eventually fell asleep, the pain in my body relaxing.  

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