Chapter 11

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When I called Krista she seemed very tired and her voice was a little raspy, "Hello?"

"Hey Princess, I got some news I need to tell you." I said as I laid on my bed.

"What's wrong Ymir?" She said, her voice back to it's high pitch with worry mixed in. "Um...on my way to Mom's house, I was told that I have a brother."

"But Ymir, you made it seem like it's a bad thing. It's wonderful news to have a brother." She seemed a bit cheerful and was happy to fast, there was more than just having a brother. "My brother is...Reiner." Krista went quiet longer than she usually is. "But I didn't know until I got home that he was related to me." Krista was still quiet until she spoke softly, "It's okay Ymir, at least you're still in my life. I thought you were going to break up with me. I don't care who your brother is, your brother could be Eren and I still would only care about you."

"I thought you were going to get angry and hang up." I said truthfully, I truly didn't know what she was going to do. "I would never be mad at you Ymir."

"I know, but you know how I can't think straight with stressful things." I said turning to my side and taking my hair out of my low ponytail. I heard Krista giggle a bit, "It's okay Ymir, I love you either way. I gotta go, I'm going out to dinner. I love you."

"I love you too." I said and we hung up the phone. I sat up in bed and thought of things I could do; go to the movies with Annie, clean the house, cook lunch, or check my turf with Annie. I stood up and went to Annie's room to see her on her phone again. "Hey Annie," She looked at me from behind her phone, "Do you want to go to the turf to check up on things?" Annie took a second to answer, "Sure." She stood up and we walked to the second living room to see Mom watching TV.

"Mom, we're going to the turf to check up on things." I said, before Mom looked up at me quickly, "The what!?" I looked at her surprised by her actions, "The turf." Mom stood up and had a bit anger and worry on her face, "I have to talk to you girls about that. Take a seat girls." Annie and I took a seat on the couch. We looked at each other before looking back at Mom. "Since you girls are living under my roof, I have a couple rules. The first one is no turfs, the second one is no girlfriends can stay the night, the third one is you can only drive between the times of 6:30am and 9:00pm, the fourth rule is no fighting, the fifth one is that when girlfriends are over your bedroom door has to be open, and the sixth rule is no locked bedrooms."

I couldn't believe what Mom was saying. What stuck with me is that she didn't want us to be in turfs, "Me and Annie need our turf."

"Well Ymir, I don't like them. They only bring violence, you were in the hospital because you were shot by someone in a turf." Mom said protesting. I started to get a bit angry, "Me and Annie can't just give up our turf. We've had it our half teen life, I'm not giving it up."

"Ymir, don't make this harder than it should be. Please just listen to me and give up your turf." Mom insisted I do what she say, but I can't give up what I've worked so hard on getting and keeping together. "Mom, don't do this to us." Annie said, she also didn't want to give up. "I want to keep you girls safe. You live under this roof, meaning you follow my rul-"

"What if I don't live under this roof!" I yelled. I can give up on a lot of things, but my turf...I don't give up unless my turf gives up on me. "Ymir, please just listen to your moth-"

"I'm not giving up on my turf because of what you say! I have friends there who have risked their lives to keep me and their friends alive. If me not having my turf is a rule under this house, then I'm not going to live here." When I started to head out of the house, Annie followed behind me, she knew what was going to happen. If we have to live there again...we will. Once we got to our old place we went up the creaky stairs and into the old beat up room. We were living in an abandoned apartment building. The rooms were breaking away day by day, the stairs are falling through everyday, and the doors on the rooms would fall off every now and then. I walked into the room and went me and Annie's shared room. We never really had our own rooms.

We always slept in the same room because we always protected each other from Dad. I looked out the window to see people walking around calmly. It was still during the day and there was nothing to do. Me and Annie headed out to the streets and looked around not seeing anything suspicious. I made eye contact with some of my workers throughout the walk. I heard faint laughing in one of the alleys we almost passed. Me and Annie looked over at each other and nodded.

We walked into the alley and saw a group of teens smoking and trading off. 'A drug deal.' I whistled to signal to the kids, "You four, what are you doing in my streets! Whatever drug deal goes through needs to come through me first." The kids were very frightened when they saw us, They dropped all drugs they were holding and put there hands up, "We're sorry. We never got a word from your Rep. and our deadline was coming up." one kid said.

Ymir x Krista: The TurfsWhere stories live. Discover now