Chapter 10

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"We wanted to keep Mikasa safe from what he did to us." I said. "Mikasa decided to stay with a friend for now. She wants to get herself together." Mom said as she stood up out of her seat. Mr. and Mrs. Reiss stood also. "You can stay here as long as you like." Mrs. Reiss said, her eyes shining like Krista's does.

"Thank you for your hospitality, but my house is not far from here. My kids need to meet someone." Mom said as she hugged Mrs. Reiss. Krista stood up as, then I followed behind doing the same thing. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I put my hands on her waist. "I don't want you to leave." I could tell in her eyes she was truly sad i was leaving. "I know, but Mom said i need to meet someone at her house."

"Maybe I can go with you." I turned to Mom and she glared at me, "No Ymir, let's go." I looked back at Krista who knew the answer. She whined and hugged me tightly. I kissed her forehead, "I love you Princess."

"I love you too." I then kissed her and left. I got in the front passenger seat, Annie and Sasha in the back with Sammy. I leaned my head on the window until Mom started talking. "Girls, the person you're going to meet is...your brother. Ymir, when I was pregnant with you, you were one of the twins. You're brother is the other twin. When I had him, your father thought I had an affair, that's when he started beating me. When your brother was two, I took him to my mother's so she could take care of him. I waited until I knew you guys were ready to live without me for me to leave."

"Mom, did you buy my cigs?" I asked, needing this stress gone. Mom opened the glove compartment to show my box of cigs. "What does this 'brother' look like?" Annie asked. "He has blonde hair, blueish grey eyes, same age and grade as Ymir, and he's taller by about 10cm." Mom said as we pulled into her driveway. The house was a bit bigger than Dad's, by a long shot. Mom technically has a mansion. I took Sammy to the backyard, where he went crazy. He ran around every inch of the green grass. I went back inside and sat on the couch that made the room look like a living room.

"Girls, I'm in the second living room!" I heard Mom yell from the supposed second living room. Once I got there I recognized the face that was staring at the door, probably waiting for someone else. "Reiner!" I yelled, I couldn't believe, is this a prank?

"Ymir?!" He yelled, visibly unpleased.

"What are you doing here!?" We were still yelling. I saw Mom come into the room and come between us, "Stop yelling, you need to get along."

"Mom, if this is a prank for bullying people, then I've learned my less-" I interrupted Reiner, he's just trying to get out of trouble, "You will never learn your lesson! You hit my girlfriend for God's sake!" Mom turned her head to Reiner in surprise, "You did what! You hit Krista?"

"I didn't mean to, but Ymir made a big deal out of it and decided to start punching me." Mom then turned her head to me in anger, "You hit your brother!"

"I didn't know he was my brother anyway! He hit my girlfriend, what was I supposed to do?" I said, knowing none of this was my fault. "I hit him because he ran into Krista, his lunch went all over her and he started to laugh at her." Mom couldn't believe what she was hearing. She sat down on the couch, "Just stop talking, go to your rooms and be siblings, without the fighting." Reiner walked past me while shoulder checking me. I turned quickly and punched his arm, "Ow!" he yelled as he kept walking. I turned back to Mom who had her head back on the couch and her eyes closed.

"Mom, where is my room?" I asked, not knowing anything about this house or where any of the rooms are. Mom didn't open her eyes, but pointed to the ceiling, "It's upstairs to the far left and beside Annie's room." I followed her directions and ended up in my room. The room was fairly big, bigger than my old room. The walls were a light gray, the bed sheets were different colors ranging from white, gray, and white. My room technically was my soul.

I decided to go check on Annie to see how she was doing. I knocked on the door and waited, "Come in." I opened the door and saw Annie laying on her bed. I looked around her room for Sasha, "Where is Sasha?"

"She left, she had other things to do with her family." Annie said as she kept her eyes on her phone. She seemed very uninterested in what I needed to say. "I came to check up on you."

"I can't believe Reiner is our brother. He's too much of a...butthole to be related to us." Annie said looking away from her phone and sitting up. I sat on the edge of her bed, "Yeah, I don't think I will survive in this house with him here. He's been terrorizing my girlfriend for years and now how am I supposed to tell Krista that her bully is my brother."

"Just tell her that you didn't know until today, she'll understand. This is Krista we're talking about, she forgives everyone." Annie said trying to calm me down a bit. I understood what she meant, Krista can't be mad at someone for more than a couple hours. I took out my phone and went to her contact. I looked at her smiling face that was her contact photo. I stood up from Annie's bed and smirked a bit, "Thanks Annie." I walked out of her room and to mine.  

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