Chapter 2

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She chuckled and kissed me lightly once again before walking me back into the school. "You actually risked being late to come get me. I think I'm rubbing off on you." Ymir smirked as she wrapped her hand around my waist. "Maybe you are." I giggled as we made it to the class we had together, Math. Once we sat down the intercom turned on, "Ms. Zoe, can you send Ymir and Krista down to the office for a pick up."

"Get going you two!" Hanje said as she smiled at us. I grabbed my bag and we left to the office. Once Mom saw us she ran over to my new blouse and looked at it, "Honey, who did this?"

"It's okay Mommy."

"If you say so." We walked to the car across the parking lot. I sat in the back with Ymir.

Ymir's POV

'I can't wait to get to the house. I'm tired.' I watched as Krista got into the car beside me. I looked around the car, it seeming very familiar to me. I needed a smoke, I wasn't stressed, but I haven't smoked since this morning at 7am and it's already 1:30pm. I leaned up in my seat behind the driver, "Mrs. Reiss, do you mind if I smoke in the car?" Mrs. Reiss looked at me in the rear view mirror, "I would let you, but your father doesn't like cigarette smoke in his car."

'What's is he doing at Krista's house!?" I sat back in my seat and started to shake my leg. Krista must have noticed that I was shaking my leg abruptly fast. She scooted over to me, "Ymir, do you know-"

"No, I don't know." I put my hand on Krista's thigh to calm down. She put her hand on top of my hand. Krista doesn't know what my dad had done to me and Annie over the years. Always beating us for being different. It's not our fault for our chromosomes being changed in the womb. He forced Annie to start fighting and taking Martial Arts. I only started fighting with Annie because I didn't want her to get beat alone. Were such the same, we look different, but everything we like and do is the same. We both smoke, both take Martial Arts, and the both of us take control of the turf on the bad side of town. Mikasa isn't in control, but she still checks out if anything drastic is happening.

Before I knew it, we were at Krista's house. I cursed in my head as I got out of the car. I put my hood up before entering the house. As I walked into the beautiful home, I glanced through the living room window to see 'him' sitting on the couch watching TV. Krista walked me inside to get bedroom without saying a word. She shut her bedroom door and set her things down, "If you don't want to-"

"Ymir, please come downstairs!" Krista's mom yelled from downstairs. I stood up and looked at worried Krista, "Stay up here." I said, not knowing what will happen. I walked downstairs to be directed by Mrs. Reiss to go outside. I went to the backyard to see Dad standing there with his arms crossed and glaring at me, "Where have you been? You've been gone for almost a month!" He yelled, but not loud enough for anyone inside to hear. I kept my guard up just in case he tried something, "I've been here."

"What about Annie and Mikasa, where are they?"

"Somewhere." I knew not to give away where they are. Knowing Dad, he'll go and get them and force them back into the house we originally were staying in...with him. I could tell that Dad was getting angrier, "Tell me where they're at!" I glared at him, "No, f*** you!" I didn't expect him to take the low road and punch me where the sun don't shine. Pain coursed through my body, making me fall to my knees instantly with contact. I felt like puking everywhere. It felt like my balls entered my stomach and were floating in stomach acid. "Ymir!" I turned my head slightly, tears brimming my eyes. Krista ran over to me and knelt down. She looked at Dad glaring, "How could you do this, hurt your own child!?" He walked to the backyard gate, "Thats no child of mine." He walked out to his car, hearing the engine start and drive away. Krista put her attention back to me, "Ymir, can you stand?" I tried my hardest to stand, my third leg pulsing. Krista put my arm over her shoulder and helped me inside and back to her room.

She gently helped me down onto her bed. I kept my hand around my lower regions to keep them from being sat on. "I'll be right back Ymir." Krista left me to the quietness in her room with the ceiling fan going. I pulled the Hem of my jeans to check if I was okay. I saw a couple bruises and my balls a little swollen. Krista came back with a bag of ice wrapped in a rag.

She handed me the ice and I immediately stuck the ice into my active fit boxers. The cold felt good after a while. Krista took her shoes off and cuddled up beside me. I put my arm around her as she laid her head on the from of my shoulder. Krista laid her hand on my stomach, it growled after a couple seconds. "What do you want to eat?" Krista asked looking up at me. I looked down at her beautiful eyes, "I'm fine." She held herself by her elbow, "You didn't eat breakfast or lunch. Whatever you want, I'll make it." I thought for a moment, I wasn't really hungry to be honest, but I really need a smoke.

I looked up at the moving ceiling fan, "Do you mind if I smoke in here?" Krista stood up and opened her window, "Now you can." I took the pack of Camels and lighter I had in my sweatshirt pocket and lit the cig. I took a long puff and blew it towards the window. Krista came back over to the bed and laid back down. She snuggled back up to me, "Are you feeling better?" I used my free hand to push lightly on my groin. It didn't hurt as bad as it was, "Yeah, doesn't hurt as bad."

"Okay, do you want to do something. We can go to your turf." I looked at Krista like she was crazy, "I don't need you getting hurt."

"But Ymiiirr, I'm bored. We can bring Annie and Sasha." She seemed devoted to go somewhere. I couldn't say no to her beautiful face, I rolled my eyes and sat up, "Fine, but dress appropriately. Jeans and my jacket. I took my jacket off and handed it to her. Krista looked at me confused as she put it on. Krista watched me take something out from under my shirt. Three shining thin pieces of metal clanged as I took them out from my shirt. Krista came up to me to get a closer look at my dog tags, "Annie, Mikasa, and...Cynthia Leonhart. How come-"

"Just wear these, okay? If anyone sees these, they'll back off of you." I put the dog tags around Krista's neck. 

Ymir x Krista: The TurfsWhere stories live. Discover now