Chapter 12

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"Listen here, there are no deadlines unless i order them. Who's your turf leader?" I asked getting angry that they're dealing on my grounds. They looked at each other quickly, "Caroline." I cursed and walked up to the kids and put out one of the stray lit joints with the heel of my shoe, "If you come onto my turf again, I will put a bullet in all of your heads with one shot." I scared the kids enough for them to run away. I called Jean, "Hello, Jean's Rep. how may I help you?"

"This is Ymir, I need to talk to Jean." I was in a sort of hurry because I didn't want those kids making any other drug deals on anyone else's turf. "I'm sorry, but he is out right now. May i take a message?" I groaned, 'He's probably with Eren.' "Yeah, tell him to call the guys and tell them there are four teen boys dealing on other people's streets."

"Okay, I deliver that to him as soon as possible, goodbye." The Rep. hung up the phone. I put my phone in my pocket and continues with Annie around the streets. My phone started going off in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at the caller ID to see Princess<3. I answered it and put it up to my ear, "Hello Princess."

"Ymir, where are you?" I heard a bit of worry in her voice. I don't know if I should tell her where I am or if I should lie. I thought for a couple seconds, "Why do you want to know Princess?" Krista was quiet for a good amount of time to seem suspicious, "Because your mom called my mom and told her what happened. My mom wants me to talk to you and tell you to come back." I was a bit angry that Mom would take steps this far to get me to come back, " know that I can't give up my turf. I'm not going to live under her roof if no turfs is a rule."

"Ymir please, you can't live on the streets. Don't be homeless just because of a rule." I was getting aggravated by everyone asking me to give up my turf. I looked at my phone, I stared at Krista's picture for a few seconds before hanging up. I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking. "Ymir, what's wrong?" I turned my head to look at Annie, she must have noticed that I was getting angry. "Mom told Krista what happened."

"Sasha loves the turf, even if she gets kidnapped she still loves it. She said its a rush that she never gets unless she's down here." Annie explained as we took a quick turn to end up near a mansion, "Well you're lucky you have a girlfriend that likes extreme things. I love Krista, but I love my turf more." When I looked forward, I saw that we were in front of the mansion at the door. I knocked and the door quickly opened to show a tall buff man in all black, "State your name and regiment."

"Ymir Leonhart, North Survey Corps regiment." I said putting my right fist to my heart and my left fist to my back. "Annie Leonhart, North Survey Corps regiment." Annie did the same as me. The man nodded and opened the door farther to let us in. When we walked in we were greeted with multiple girls in maid outfits holding trays with different alcoholic drinks. Annie grabbed what looked like a plain beer and I grabbed orange juice with Bacardi. We headed up the grand stairs into a meeting room.

When we walked in we took our seats in the Survey Corps regiment section. I looked at Marco, Connie, Jean, and Petra as they sat down from Annie. The Boss Man walked into the room and stood at the end of the long table, "At ease cadetes, what's the first thing of business?" I rose my hand to signal I had something to say. He looked at me and nodded. I stood up in front of everyone, "There are four kids dealing on my turf. The kids are from Caroline's turf, East Stationary Guard. They were dealing Pot and Cocaine." The Boss Man, formerly known as Pixis, nodded his head, "Jean, Marco, and Connie watch out for nonscheduled deals." The three guys nodded. I went to sit down, but my phone started to go off with the ringer on. I quickly said sorry and turned my phone off. After two hours and the meeting ending, Annie and I walked out of the mansion and headed to our old apartment building. We stayed there the rest of the day listening to music from my phone.

*One week later*

I was giving up on not answering Krista's texts or calls. She finally called me and I answered, "Hello?"

"Oh thank God you're okay. Ymir please come home. Come to my house, I miss you." She was definitely crying, she's probably been crying for a while. I wasn't going to say no, I miss her too, "Okay, I'm coming." Annie got the hint and we headed out. She called Sasha earlier and was going to have her pick her up. I was fine with walking since it was the middle of the day. Annie said bye and went into a coffee shop she was going to meet Sasha at. I continued to walk, it was about a two and half walk to Krista's house, but it's worth it to see her.

When I got to the door and was about to knock on it, Krista had already opened it and jumped into my arms. I hugged her tightly as she threw her legs around my waist. "Hey Princess."

"Don't ever leave me please." Krista said as I felt tears on my shoulder. I smirked and rubbed her back, "I won't."

Ymir x Krista: The TurfsWhere stories live. Discover now