Chapter 7

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Krista's POV

I woke up with Dad on his phone talking to someone, "Yeah, we would love too. We'll see you then." He hung up his phone and turned to face me, "Good evening sweetheart, sleep well?" I nodded stretching. "Who were you on the phone with?"

"I was talking to Mrs. Leonhart, she wants all of us to go to their house for dinner tonight." I sat back in the bed and checked my phone for messages. I saw one from Ymir, 'Hey Princess, I got checked out early and had to go home for an emergency. I'll see you tonight, love you.' I smiled at the text, knowing Ymir wanted to see me. I texted her back, 'Okay, I love you too. Do you think we can meet before dinner??' I put my phone on the side table, but it went off once it got out of my hand. I picked my phone back up and read the message, 'I don't think we can, I have to do some things with Annie. I'll text you later Princess.'

'Okay, ttyl.' This wasn't like Ymir to stop a conversation so quickly with me, 'Did something happen?' I felt a little worried and anxious about what's going on. Dad realized the drop of sun in my face, "Everything alright sweetheart?" I shrugged my shoulder, "I won't be able to see Ymir until tonight." Dad chuckled and changed his voice to a preppy girls, "It'll be okay, at least you can get all prettied up for her." I smiled, "I guess I can." Dad went to the office to sign me out.

Ymir's POV

I pulled myself up from the ground as i ground loudly, "Fuck!" I checked my phone to see Krista text back. I texted her that I won't be able to see her. I can't see her in this condition and I still have to take care of Annie. I limped to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Annie was already in the bathroom in the bathtub. She was talking a bath with the curtain shut. I took my shirt off as I looked into the mirror. My abs were fine, but there were bruises on my sides. I heard the curtain to the shower open and Annie gasp, "I told you not to defend me!" she yelled at me. I glared at her, "I can't just have him get away with hitting you!"

"Ymir, what do you think Krista's dad is going to feel about seeing us both beat up?" Annie said relaxing back into the tub. I thought for a second, "We can tell him me and you got in a fight over the remote."

"If he believes that then I'll give you $5." Annie chuckled loudly at how stupid the excuse sounded.

"Okay then, shake on it." I held my hand out and Annie shook it. I smirked, knowing I'm going to win this bet. I cover up the few cuts i had on my body and went to me and Annie's room. Dad left with Mom to the store to get food for tonight. I turned put my aux cord into the giant speaker, I played 'Monster' by Skillet. The bass almost shook the room. I loved the part where it sounds like a demon talking. The song went to my soul and made me feel in such a good mood. My phone started to ring as it was on the speaker. The loud bell ring echoed throughout the room. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my phone, yanking it off of the aux cord.

I looked at who would be calling and it was Sasha, "What's up Sasha?"

"Is Annie alright? She won't answer my phone calls and she didn't pick me up from the hospital." I didn't know what to tell Sasha, do I tell her what happened? "Who are you on the phone with?" Annie walked in with a towel around her body. I handed her the phone and mouthed, 'Sasha'. She hurried across the room and grabbed the phone. "Hello Love."

I walked out of the room so I didn't get into their conversation. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana from the counter. I sat on the couch and ate it as I saw something run in the backyard. I stood up quietly and put my half eaten banana back on the counter. I opened the backyard door and slowly walked outside to see a giant Doberman Pinscher staring at me. I didn't know how it would have gotten in my backyard and I sure as hell didn't know how to fight it. It walked up to calmly. I kept my guard as it sat down in front of me and tilted its head to the side. I put my hand out and it pushed it's head into my hand.

Ymir x Krista: The TurfsWhere stories live. Discover now