Chapter 4

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Ymir's POV

I walked out of the unisex bathroom with Annie in tow. I looked over at our drinks to see Krista and Sasha missing. I went to the girls bathroom to see no one in there. I didn't freak out, I kept calm and went to Annie, "Krista and Sasha aren't in the bathroom. Do you think they're in the car?" I could see a little worry in Annie's eyes, "I have the car keys and the car is locked." I know that Krista wouldn't walk off because she's to much of a scared princess.

"Maybe they're standing at the car." We walked out, not needing to pay. We walked to the car to see it untouched. I went up to the car and looked inside, 'maybe they got inside somehow.' No one was inside. I started to panic on the inside, "Where are the-" there was a glare across the parking lot in front of Sasha's car. I walked over to the familiar looking object. They were my dog tags and the chain was broken. I held the tags tightly. Annie came up to me and tried to put her hand on my shoulder, but I headed back to Sharkey's. I slammed the door open and everyone knew to be quiet, "Where the fuck is my girlfriend, the Blondie!" They were quiet, "If you saw her speak up!"A small little boy, about the age of 7, stood up. His mother tried to stop him, but he spoke up anyway, "I saw her over by the pool tables. She was talking to a brown haired girl,"

'The brown haired girl must be Sasha.' I thought. "Two big buff guys walked over to them, they talked, then left." I couldn't believe this kid wasn't afraid of me, I walked up to him and ruffled his hair. I bent down to him and smirked, "Thanks buddy. What's your most favorite thing here to eat?" He thought for a second before his eyes lit up like stars, just like Krista's would. "I like...Ice Cream Sundae!"

He seemed so happy for a child. No one was moving for the little boys order. I looked at one of the waitresses, "You heard the kid, Ice Cream Sundae!" The mom was getting her wallet out, but I stopped her, "No money, it's on the house." I walked out and back to the car. I put my head on the glove compartment, "What am i supposed to tell Krista's parents, 'Your only sweet child got kidnapped and I have no leads to find her.' I fucking knew i shouldn't have come here!"

"We're going to find her, don't worry. Call Connie, Jean, Petra, and Marco. Tell them to keep an eye out for Krista and Sasha." I sighed and got my phone out, "I could just call Krista you fuckface Annie. I quickly called Krista. It took a couple minutes for her to answer, "Krista?" I could hear someone talking in the background and recognized it as Caroline. I listened intently to the conversation. Krista was asking most of the questions, "Who are you?"

"My name is Caroline." I knew that skiving bitch would try something. We haven't talked in a year and a half! "What do you want with us?" Krista asked.

"I'm going to make Ymir hurt like the way she made me. I'm going to kill you both." After me and Annie heard that we sped to Caroline's turf. If she lays a finger on Krista, she'll end up losing a hand. I made a group call with Connie, Jean, Petra, and Marco, "Everyone, Caroline has Sasha and Krista. She plans to kill them. Meet me at the park in her turf. Bring your weapons." Everyone agreed and hung up. The four other turf owners were friends and all owed Ymir and Annie.

Third POV

They made it to the park. Annie and Ymir had no weapons, so they walked onto the park empty handed. They saw the four turf owners sitting on the park benches, some smoking. Ymir hit Annie's arm, "Hand me a smoke." Annie got two cigarettes out of the box, one for herself and Ymir. Annie lit hers, then handed the lighter to Ymir as they made it to the benches. "Hey guys, where are your people?" Ymir asked confused at the empty park. Petra spoke as smoke came out of her mouth and nose, "They're on standby." Ymir took a big puff from her Camel Cigarette. Connie spoke up as he turned his phone off, "Why are you doing this for her? Last girlfriend, before Caroline, was captured killed. You didn't do anything for her, it didn't even phase you."

Ymir glared at Connie. Her ex did get killed, but that was during Turf Wars and; to be honest, her ex was really annoying and clingy. Connie backed off and looked at his phone. "He has a point Ymir, why save Krista and not the other girl?"

"The same reason you would save Eren, Horseface." Ymir didn't need people questioning about what she decided to do, "The same reason Marco would save Mike, the same reason Petra would save her brother, and the same reason Connie would save his mom! Don't question me!" Everyone regretted saying anything. Marco took a puff and pointed behind Annie, "There is a balloon with a note."

We all walked over to the fence across the park. Marco pulled the note off of the fence and opened it. There was a picture of Sasha, but her face all bloody and her stomach and chest cut up with small lacerations. Marco looked at the picture in horror, "Annie, you might want to see this." Marco turned around and handed her the photo. Annie's face turned from no emotion to total anger. Annie dropped the photo and stopped moving. She grabbed Petra's pistol from her holster and headed for the car.

Ymir picked up the picture and turned it around. Red Ink stained the white saying, 'Krista's next'. "Did one of you snitch!" Ymir threatened everyone with her glare. "I was the first one here, but no one was here." Ymir groaned loudly and ripped up the photo, "Connie and Marco, release your groups and tell them to follow all tactics I get my hackers to make up. I'll have the plans sent to them in ten minutes or less." The two nodded and gave the signal to barge into Caroline's Headquarters.

Ymir called his pack of hackers to map out entry pints and possible rooms Sasha and Krista could be in. "They said they got the plans." Connie said. "I have a car waiting for us." Ymir's phone started to go off, she looked at her phone to see Krista's caller ID. Ymir answered the phone quickly, "Krista!"

"Hello Ymir." Caroline was on the other side of the phone. "I swear to God if you hurt-"

"It's a little too late for that." There was a blood curdling scream in the background, then crying, "*huff**Hic* Ymir...PLease hel-" There was another scream, then crying. "You see Ymir? See what happens when you bring the weak to the turfs! See what happens when you fuck with me, when you just use me for sex!" She was yelling and laughing maniacally. Krista screamed bloody murder in the background. "Krista! I'm coming, don't worry!" I hung up, "Let's go." We went to the car that was waiting for us. I gave our driver the directions to the mansion Caroline was at.

Krista's POV

'Ymir said she was coming, please save me...' The unknown man shocked me again as he sliced my skin. I felt the blood run down my chest, my beige bra probably covered in red. Caroline punched and slapped me multiple times, now they're just torturing me, she wants me to last. She wants me to give up, but no...if i learned anything from Ymir, it's to be strong and never give up. Every two to three minutes I would get a small or large shock and a small or large cut.

I've had a blindfold on the entire time I've been being tortured. I have no clue what the room looks like. I heard shooting from outside the room. The two ran out of the room, shutting the door behind them. My head fell back as I breathed heavily, ' me, find me, save me...'

"Help..." I was quiet as tears burned my eyes hidden under this black blindfold. I couldn't get myself to move, my body started to give up, and my throat was starting to stop working. I used the last of my voice to scream, "Someone please help me!" There was no response, only gunshots. 'Is this the end? Am I going to-'

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