Chapter 9

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*Physical Abuse themes*

Ymir's POV

I heard faint yelling in my dream. I moved in my sleep which woke me up. I sat up and heard yelling from downstairs. I knew the loud voice was Mom's. I stood up quickly from the bed me and Krista were sleeping in and left the guest room. I went down the stairs and into the kitchen, "I can't believe you are a drug dealer! I knew you haven't changed!!" Mom had her fingers in Dad's face, he was ready blow any second. "I'm calling the cops, I'm done with this!" When Mom turned around, Dad grabbed her by her hair. I intervened and pushed Dad off of Mom.

He stumbled and glared straight at me. "How dare you!" He yelled as he charged after me. He punched me in my already busted lip, reopening it. I cursed as I stumbled into the wall. I couldn't get my head up fast enough to hit back so he hit me again and again. I blocked some of his hits, but i was never good with blocking abdomen hits. I would be able to get a couple hit into his abdomen, but he was laying hit after hit, not seeming like he would tire. I was backed up against the wall and had nowhere to go with hits landing on me every second.

"Ymir!" I turned my head to see Krista running over to me and hitting Dad from behind. 'Fuck Krista, dont!' Dad used his elbow to hit Krista in the head. Krista fell to the ground visibly knocked out. It felt like everything went in slow motion, I watched as Krista hit the floor, I looked up at Dad, the anger in me bubbling up. I threw a punch that connected with his jaw. He stumbled off of me as he held his jaw. I laid punch after punch, no feeling to stop. "Don't *punch* touch *punch* my girlfriend!" I felt a pair of arms come up from under my shoulders and try to pull me off of Dad.

I didn't want to stop, I wanted to keep going. Years of pain and tears wasn't gone. "Let me go!" I yelled. I turned to see Annie pulling me away and outside. I looked back at Dad who was on the floor with his face all bloody, my fists matching his face. It took me a second to realize that there were cops all over the house. I pulled over to an ambulance to get checked for my injuries. I looked around frantically for Krista. I didn't see her anywhere.

A paramedic came up to me and started checking my face and bloody fists. I kept looking, i needed a sign, any sign, to know she is okay. "Are you looking for the blonde girl?" The paramedic asked. I looked down at him checking my hands, "Yeah, where is she?"

"She's in the other ambulance that's in front of this one. She's perfectly fine, I was the one to check her." I took a deep breath, "Thank God."

"Who is she to you?" The Paramedic asked, very curious of the situation. "She's my girlfriend. We've been together for, now, two years. Today is our 2 year Anniversary."

"It's not much of a happy ending I would say." He chuckled as he bandaged my hands. I chuckled with him, "True." He finished patching me up, "Well, you're good to go." I hopped off of the ambulance steps, "Thanks." I went around the ambulance and saw Krista sitting on the other ambulance steps. I walked quickly to her and stopped before hugging her. She had a blanket around her. "Krista, I understand if you don't want to be with me after what's happened. If you see me as a monster or-"

"You're not a monster, Ymir. I love you no matter what happens or who you beat up. You deserved to hit him." I was surprised by what Krista said. 'I just went insane and she still loves me.' Krista got up from where she was sitting and kissed me, "To me, you will never be a monster." I smiled, I haven't truly smiled in years. "Happy late Anniversary, Princess." Krista hugged me tightly.

"Ymir!" I turned around to see Mom coming towards us. "Yeah Mom?"

"Go get dressed and bring Sammy with you." I looked at her confused, "Who is Sammy?" Mom thought i was acting stupid, but i was very serious, "Sammy is the dog."

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