xii. resent

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"Sas efcharistó" means thank you in Greek!"Naí" means yes in Greek!

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"Sas efcharistó" means thank you in Greek!
"Naí" means yes in Greek!



     She held Judith, tightly. The infant's soulful eyes met her own. Oh, how they were so radiant.


    She was loved, something that Calista experienced briefly. Calista had loved, but was it ever reciprocated? Her family had loved her, but was it in the way that Calista had believed it was?

  Or was it because they had to?

   Her eyes never left Judith's. Judith was like a memory to Calista, a soul as pure as Judith's was a reminder that it was going to be okay in the end, regardless of the world's condition.

   Calista turned her head, witnessing Michonne and Carl boarding up the door with a broad piece of wood as if it would prevent the vicious horde from penetrating the house of God. Her attention was converted back to Judith after she resumed her agonizing cries.

   She stroked Judith's back once more, that being somewhat powerful enough to calm her down.

   She shuddered at the voice of Carl, who had approached the girl and his baby sister.

   "Woah, how'd you do that?" He asked her, distinctly appalled that whatever Calista did, worked.

   "Just something my mom used to do -" She pondered at Judith - who was now in a state of peace. Carl nodded his head, indicating that he understood that she probably didn't want to continue the conversation any further.

   He plopped down next to Calista, turning towards her - but her concentration never left the infant in her arms.

  One name had been in the back of her mind since Carl had mentioned her.


   How could he speak so highly of Beth - then compare her to herself? She had remembered that he told her that they had 'the same perspective on life' - or whatever that meant. It meant something though - to Carl at least.

   "Are you okay?" Carl asked the girl, a worrisome expression plastered across his face. Calista's eyes trailed to the boy, sending a strained smile his way.

  She nodded.

  She was okay, but a part of her craved for the answer - how could she remind Carl of Beth?

   Calista didn't know Beth, but she had a wide perspective on life. She always did, ever since she was young - living in her homeland.

  The event provoking her perspective was cruel - wicked.

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑   ,   carl grimes Where stories live. Discover now