Moment 5

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Lucy POV

Lucy Chen did not get jealous. At least that was what she told herself. She knew Tim Bradford well enough that he was not being petty. That sentence, in fact, was the only time "Tim Bradford" and "petty" would ever be mentioned. She was sure he did not know what being petty was anyway. Recalling his offer to help ruin her ex's and ex-best friend's wedding though, she could gage that he did know a thing or two about revenge. 

Still, she could not imagine, after everything they had been through, he would not pick her as his aide. She was puzzled. As in, she was puzzled by herself. Why did she want to work with him? Working for him, actually, would be the case. Nolan had a point when he said she was being "less than adult about it." If it was just about furthering her career, she would not be being so petty. Puzzlement evolved into frustration. She had dreamed of the day when she would no longer be under his constant scrutiny. Now... all she wanted was to be back in that position. Damn you, Tim Bradford, she thought. He literally ruined her. She had apparently learned to enjoy the challenges he presented her with. She knew that was something she would never get from anyone else. 

She was bored. With her job description, it was the last emotion from the spectrum she expected. Not so bored that she would start shooting the walls like Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes. Not her typical cup of tea, but it was one of the shows she started watching after she cleared the DVR. She could not watch anything that she and Jackson had ever even casually watched. But no, not that bored. Nolan was... good to work with. But... okay fine. FINE! She missed Tim. He was the one person she trusted with her life. Not that she did not trust Nolan or Harper or anyone else. But with Tim, there was something about him that always comforted her. As long as he was around, she knew that everything was going to be okay. 


He was stuck. Damn. He wanted more than anything to choose Chen. But when it came down to it, he needed to do what was best for her professionally. If he picked her, it might be a little too obvious that he was choosing favorites, or at least what he was familiar with. As a sergeant, it was his responsibility to get to know the members of the squad. There were... other issues too. He knew the various implications of him choosing Chen. None of them were good for her career. He was a little uncertain of what her reaction would be...

Needless to say, she was pissed. He heard rumors of her reaction to the situation. And how she talked about it constantly. Then she sabotaged his first choice with some stupid cat... thing. He was not quite sure what to call it. But it had Lucy Chen's massive signature all over it. So when he decided to give Smitty a chance to be his aide... yeah he may have purposefully been rubbing it in her face. He knew Smitty would never last longer than a day, but her less-than-professional reaction was priceless. If she thought he would cave and ask her first, she would be wrong. Well... he technically had to ask her first. But, where was the fun in letting her off the hook for what she did to his first aide?

Lucy POV

She was shocked, needless to say when she confronted him (non-aggressively) at his desk. He really did want her to be his aide. But then he revealed how he knew others could see it as a demotion or even a "free ride" to the top. "Why? Cause I'm a girl and you're a boy?" "A very handsome boy," he stated with that particular expression on his face. One she had no name for. Ignoring his comment she said, "screw what anyone else thinks!" She quickly backtracked, "It would be worth it, putting up with all the Tim Tests and your old school code of honor. Again." But there was no malice in her tone, and a smile was gracing her features. Crossing his arms he asked, "are you asking me for the job?" Not one to be so easy she replied, "are you saying that you want me to do it?" His eyes made a quick sweep across the top of his desk before the rolled up to her gaze. "What the hell. Let's do it." She took in a breathe but before she could express gratitude, he was listing off her duties for tomorrow. I would not have it any other way, she thought. She still said thank you. He, surprisingly, graced her with "you're welcome." 

"Good luck with... your paperwork," she said coyly. She smiled as he used a finger to indicate her away from the very thin line she was walking. 

Yeah. Everything was going to be okay.


He finished his paperwork. Looking around the station, he made sure no one was in view as he leaned back in the chair and rubbed his eyes. He smiled to himself and shook his head. Lucy Chen really was something else. If anyone ever said so, he would deny it. But he was happy to be riding with her again. 

Tim Bradford, Lucy Chen: S4 MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now