Moment 21 Extension + Exciting Announcement!

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A/N: Please read the note at the bottom for an exciting announcement!

"Okay, what the hell was that?" were the first words she spoke to him as they got into the shop. The first words she had spoken to him at all that morning, actually. She was furious
Maybe she'd been a bit too much of a pushover on the proposal topic. But it did not warrant the kind of retaliation Tim had enacted. As far as she was concerned, he had declared war. 
"Should I know what you're talking about? On another note, is that how you should be talking to your superior?"

"Cut the superiority. What you did last night morally demoted you."
He glanced at her profile. "Seriously, Chen? It was a joke. I thought you had thicker skin than that." 
"There's a difference between a joke and an outright act of cruelty."

He risked a longer look at her, taking in her defensive posture and stony expression. Sighing, he said, "Okay, Lucy, look. Clearly, I hit a nerve. I wouldn't purposefully set you off in any case. You were pushing a little too hard though, and I saw an opportunity, so I reacted. I am sorry."

She seemed to relax at this and finally said, "Okay. I'm sorry too."
Her tone shifted to a familiar incredulity, one she used most often with him. " did Ashley feel about the whole thing? After, you know, she found out it wasn't real? Cause if those tickets to Hawaii aren't needed, I know a couple of people who could actually use them."

"Oh, as a heart attack, Tim."
"Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but travel plans to Hawaii haven't been altered in the slightest."

At this, she sputtered, "H-how?"
It was his turn to express incredulity. "Are you kidding me? Now that I've apologized, you've been rooting for me and Ashley to have fought so you and Tamara could go to Hawaii?"
"How did you-nevermind. Answer my question."
"Ashley knew, okay? She was in on it the entire time."

Something hard in his expression threw her off. He sounded...tight. Upset almost.
"Tim, what happened? What's wrong."

He let the silence drag so far that she wasn't sure if he would actually answer her. Then he took a deep breath. "I was panicking, okay? You'd been annoying me all day and then she was showing me a place for us to stay on the island and her nails were done. I freaked out and started losing it, asking if that's what she was expecting. She laughed it off and said no."

"And that wasn't a good thing?"

"She said she would have said no even if I did ask."
"She said she's just 'not wired' for marriage or kids."

"Yeah. And then, you know, I saw you in the window and asked her for a favor, telling her that you were watching in the window, even though you tried to pretend you weren't."
A blush stained her cheeks. She knew she'd been obvious but had still hoped that she wasn't. 
"And BAM! I was fake proposing. I think it was pretty good. And considering I'm never going to have a chance to do it again, totally worth the look on your face."

"Tim, I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't worry about me. We're still going on vacation. We're still...having fun. It's just hard knowing, you know? Knowing that at one point or another, we'll fizzle out just because we don't want the same things. But I can't make her want what I want." 
"Good for you, Tim. No really," she rebutted at his are you kidding expression, "So you don't want the same thing. That's not a reason to end everything right away. But you're coming to terms with the fact that she isn't going to be in your life forever. Which means you can enjoy yourself. But you don't have to think about anything else."

"Thanks...I think. It's just...I really hate to say it, but I'm not getting any younger either."
"I know...but I can't think of why you won't get a chance to get everything you want."

"What about my ashes spread on the LA Rams field?"
She burst out laughing, "No, that's the one thing you can't have, I'm sorry. But I'll make sure you're buried with a piece of the turf instead. Is that a fair trade-off?"
"It is probably a better idea than mine honestly," he said, smiling at her. 

A/N: So hopefully most of you know what Phineas and Ferb is. All you need to know either way is that it is an animated tv series spanning 4 seasons and is hilarious and ingenious. So the theme song starts like this: "There's 104 days of summer vacation..."


Starting today (May 20th) and going till August 31st, will be 104 days of Chenford fics (I calculated) I will only post one fic each day, and depending on the day, they could be long, short, good, or not so good. Either way, I'm pumped to take this on!


Tim Bradford, Lucy Chen: S4 MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now