Moment 9: Extension: Fantasies and Types

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Author's Pre-Note: You were forewarned. Enjoy :)

Lucy POV

It was the most stupid juvenile thing. She could not get his damn chest out of her head. What could she do? Nothing. Absolutely. She wasn't one to sleep around. Even before Caleb, she had had the one boyfriend who, as the tale was as old as time went, slept with her ex-best friend. Nolan. Then, ugh. Caleb. Emmet. Poor Emmet. She had really liked him. But as Tim had pointed out, the relationship hadn't mattered to her. Did that justify his breaking up with her? Hell naw. But whatever. That was months ago. 

She had never had what you'd call a determined type. Her ex had been Filipino. Nolan, white obviously. Caleb... you know what? He didn't count at all. She needed to stop including him even though their one night out had caused a pivotal shift in her dating life. Okay. Emmet, black. There was a point to all of this, she reasoned. They all had a similarity. So, in a way, she did have a type. She was always drawn to men who were always two or more feet taller than her and had a majestically sculpted torso. 

Tim had to fricken come and flaunt his muscular masterpiece and throw her off her game. She both hated and was perplexed by the fact that she would literally jolt awake, drenched in sweat on an occasional night that she didn't have nightmares. As far as things managed to progress in her freakish head was her tracing his abs like a connect the dot page. She'd make it all the way up until her hands were squarely on his shoulders. He'd gently place one hand in her hair, another on her chin, leaned in close, and... then she'd jolt awake like she'd been shot with adrenaline. 

What the hell? What the hell? Why am I having dreams that are about as close to sexual fantasies about my former T.O? My current seargent? What the... I can't even. Do I have the fricken hots for him? No. No. It... just wasn't fathomable. It wasn't ethical either.

If it were just the fact that she had gotten too good of a look at his chest during that damn UC stint... then she would have easily been able to dismiss it as the negative result of having been riding with him for nearly two years in very close proximity. But no... unfortunately, that wasn't all. She knew him. She was familiar with his personality. It surprised her sometimes, but she knew how caring and compassionate he was. She knew how much he really cared about people. How much he wanted to be able to help them and implement goodness into their lives. He did all of that despite his personal pain. She knew when something was bothering him. She knew exactly what to say to keep his head in the game. She relished too much in seeing him happy. She didn't quite resent Ashley but she found it hard to be nice to her.

Damn it. Had she fallen in love with Tim Bradford? No. No. It was impossible. It was inconceivable. But it was possible. It was conceivable. And she might have fucked up and done it. 


For Tim, the real hook had always been the girl's eyes. There was just something about them that just drew him in if they were especially intriguing. Maybe they stood out from their general complexion or contrasted their hair color in a bold way. Maybe there was an extreme emotion that exuded from them. Grief. Joy. Mystery. Whatever it was, the eyes of a woman always seemed to be the pull factor. 

Isabel's eyes had been a gorgeous aquamarine color. Bright and full of life. But after she got clean again  he couldn't erase how dead and despondent they had looked during her time off the rails. Rachel's eyes had been an interesting contrast. They appeared almost translucent against the pigment of her skin. Ashley's eyes were darker. Maybe. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't gotten a good look at her eyes. Maybe because every time he closed his blue ones, all he could see were Lucy's mahogany eyes gazing intensely into his. He tried hard, very hard not to think about it, which made it worse all the same. He tried hard not to think about the fluctuation of emotions he had witnessed in those eyes over the past two years. But he couldn't help it.

He was pretty sure that he'd get lost if he thought about it too much. So he watched the game, drank a beer, and relented and let Kojo on the couch. That dog was a constant reminder of her and sometimes it was hard. 

He had a hard time coming to terms with what it could mean. So she had some of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. That didn't mean anything. There were plenty of people... well, okay, a few people he'd see that had beautiful eyes but it didn't pique his interest in, say, a romantic sense. She was probably going to be the death of him, whatever that meant. 

Author's Note: I based Tim's fascination with unique eyes off of the fact that his ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, future ex-girlfriend, and hopefully future-girlfriend-later-wife all have gorgeous eyes. Also, I've found that personally, the first thing I look at in any guy is the color of their eyes. 

Tim Bradford, Lucy Chen: S4 MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now