Moment 12

635 7 4


*Extensive Author's Note at the end. I promise it's worth your time :)


Tim had never planned on falling for Kojo. He took him in as a favor. At first, he stayed away from the typical dog owner behavior. Bribery, baby talk, spoiling him silly. 

Yeah, that went out the window over time. And he would deny it. And probably dispose of the next person who found out about it. But the overly gushy behavior he displayed with Kojo soon became a part of his normalcy. 

So when Ashley had a bit of a freak out over Kojo, and Kojo started acting weird, and then they were weird... the whole thing threw him for a loop. Would he be able to accept Ashley even if she didn't get along with Kojo? Would they eventually warm up to each other or was it a lost cause?

When Chen confronted him about it, he thought about it. Seriously. Was he going to break up with her just because she couldn't handle Kojo? That would be stupid. And idiotic. And insensitive. And a whole list of adjectives. But why were things just so awkward? Kojo barking was completely out of character. Ashley practically running out the door was also out of character. Not at all who he had come to know as the cute blonde lifeguard who was tough as nails and sweet as honey. 

Something was wrong. But he, for once, was stumped and had no idea what he was going to do. Getting rid of Kojo was not an option. One, Chen would be heartbroken. Then she would be mad at him, and the dog would end up back in his life one way or another thanks to her. Two, Kojo had grown on him so much so in the past year that he had stopped seeing him as Lucy's dog, and more as his. Three, he did like Ashley. He wasn't going to break up with her just because she and Kojo got off on the wrong foot. 

But for the first time in his life, he, Tim Bradford, wasn't sure of his next move.

Lucy POV

Being the snoopy, invasive person she was, of course, she had to ask about Ashley. Tim telling her things got weird was not the answer she had expected. Actually, she had been expectant of being shut down, being told that his personal life was none of her business. So it was more than she could have ever asked for. But also slightly disappointing. 

A little part of her cheered Kojo for taking her rebellious heart's side in this matter. But first and foremost, because that was the way it had to be for Tim's sake, and the sake of her fragile heart, she was concerned about Ashley.

"So you broke up with her?" In that question, she forced every incredulous ounce of her being. 

Though she may have been slightly bitter (okay she definitely was but would never admit it) over the fact that Tim had never told her about Ashley (and maybe slightly heartbroken) Ashley seemed like a very sweet woman. And she would never wish any heartbreak upon her. Especially in the idiotic way that Tim was approaching it. Sure, Kojo was her baby. But Ashley was his girlfriend. She would always tell him to pick the girl over the dog. Even if it was a hard pill to swallow. 

She had never believed she would see it. A petty Tim Bradford. Okay... that was a stretch. More like, a perplexed Tim Bradford. He clearly had no idea how to handle this. And she wasn't quite sure how to help.

At least not until Ashley called her.

It was completely out of the blue. She wasn't even sure how she had gotten ahold of her number. Talking with Ashley, she gained better insight into what had actually happened, and why Ashley had reacted the way she did. She reassured her as best as she could (as that stubborn bit of her consciousness threw a tantrum because she was helping Ashley. Ashley is the enemy! No, no she isn't. She's a friend. She makes Tim happy. So let it go) and was able to resolve how to approach Tim. 

Ashley is the enemy! It screamed and screamed. It was beginning to grow more powerful. She fought it until it was reduced to a silent murmur. Ashley's heart wasn't worth it. Tim's happiness wasn't worth it. Her reputation wasn't worth it. Okay, that was a lie. She had come to the conclusion that no matter what, she would stand as the proud, confident, capable officer she was and do her job the way she always had despite what anyone said. Her emotional state wasn't worth it. She wasn't a homewrecker. 

So she ran after him in the parking garage. "If you like this girl, you should listen to her."

She flashed him a smirk as he chose to dwell on the fact that she called out his potential future moping. But by now she knew better. Her opinion mattered to him. At least she hoped so.

It was light and full of the fun-loving camaraderie that had been their relationship for quite some time now. 

But a little piece of her heart had chipped and was left behind as she remembered how he rolled his eyes at her. 

For that foolish little space in her heart and mind, he might as well have admitted that he liked her. He liked her in a way that he had never liked Isobel or Ashley. 

She shook her head, wanting to slap herself. 

It was all just a foolish fantasy. 


He would never tell her, he swore.

He would never tell her how he listened to her. He would never tell her how much it helped. He would never tell her about how beautifully Ashley laughed when Kojo accepted her. He would never tell her how grateful he was for her. 

For questioning his motives. For reassuring Ashley. For confronting him. For not letting him ruin one of the first good things that had come to him in a long time. 

He would never tell her.

He would never tell her.

But then he saw Ashley and how happy she was.

But then he thought about how happy that made him feel. 

Maybe he would tell her. Maybe he would. 

Only if she pushed, of course, like she always did. 

A/N: I hate to say it, but Ashley is growing on me. She seems sweet and now I don't want her to get hurt.

I will say, just because the inner Chenford warrior in me needs to, that Kojo may be onto something. There is some sort of saying, well you can say it many ways, but the baseline is that dogs are a good judge of character. 

I don't believe Ashley would willingly become involved in illegal activity. But given her demeanor, as we see how she went to Lucy because she felt helpless in this situation, someone could easily take advantage of that and coerce her into doing something illegal? Like, um, smuggling drugs? (Running with the whole issue surrounding Bailey. Also, I hope things get patched up because I love John and Bailey and really hope they do get married. Oh no. What if Bailey gets caught in the literal crossfire in the next episode? Her dying would be heartbreaking. But I am clearly overthinking right now... or maybe not. Ag. I apologize for the runaway train that is my thoughts).

So was Kojo really sensing her timidness and lack of confidence? Or was there something more? Like guilt?

It's likely improbable. And if it is not the case, then I hope they will be happy as long as they last. 

The other thing is, I can't really see them lasting. This is starting to look like the most serious relationship that Tim has become involved in so far. But is he looking long-term? More importantly, is Ashley? She's got her whole career ahead of her. And as Tim explained, she put in a lot to get there. Is Tim looking to propose in the future? Is she expecting it and planning on saying yes? Are they willing to accept the fact that both of their careers will keep them apart during their currently hypothetical marriage? These are serious things to consider as far as the success of their relationship goes. 

But, now that I am thinking about it once again, Tim Bradford is the all-in type. So why was he so ready to potentially drop the relationship because she and Kojo had a rough start? Why was she ready to accept that he would choose the dog over her?

Any way. Sorry for my runaway train of thoughts. I just like being able to get them out.

Tim Bradford, Lucy Chen: S4 MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now