Chapter One - Childhood alteration.

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Each person is born under different circumstances, most of them determine the fate and destiny of the person in question, and it's fully out of their control. Myles Orion Morgan was born on April twenty-first, in 1995. His parents, Camilla Hopkins and Marvin Morgan, moved from Wales to the town of Clearwater, Kansas, a few years after Myles' birth, where Marvin is now working as a screenwriter for TV series, while Camilla is an actress not yet well recognized.

In his first years Myles grew up happy with his parents, even though Marvin would leave the house for weeks and his mother would have to hire a babysitter to take care of him while she was acting in the city, he felt loved. Myles developed from an early age an affection for colors, how easy it was for him to completely cover up a wall with drawings made from his crayons, as he watched the figures come to life in his eyes. Clearly, the drawn walls were not something that made Myles' parents happy, who would apply physical punishment to Myles every time he would act up in a bad manner, but drawing was something that he was passionate about, as he kept exploring it the next years of his life, only this time it was in paper and not in the walls.

One of Myles' first and clearest memories from his childhood was one where he was visiting his psychologist at the age of four, where he was suggested that he should focus his energy in any sport. Even though he was really passionate about art, he didn't deny the chance of expanding his talents and accepted to enter the football soccer mixed team: Clearwater Silver Foxes. There Myles met Alex Mason, a girl with red hair and green eyes, two years older than him; and Brian Kay Joseph, a boy half a year younger than Myles, with brown eyes and darker skin, the two of which would become Myles' best friends from there on.

At the age of six, Myles was signed into Uptown School, where he spent most of his time drawing and developing his talents for painting. There, he met the third of his best friends, Cara Pritchard, who would be his partner in school for the next years they had left there. Cara was a humble girl, smart and generous, who moved to Clearwater not so long ago, two houses away from Myles' home. Despite all the time they spent together in class, their friendship didn't blossom instantly when they met, if not for all the times Myles had to be looked after by Kristin, Cara's mother, that way Myles' parents would stop paying a babysitter every time they had to leave for the city.

When he was seven, Myles' attitude started shifting for the worst, breaking valuable stuff that didn't belong to him without him being bothered by it, drawing in the walls despite having hundreds of blank sheets of paper. All of those emotions were caused a few months before his new sister was born, Katrin Haley Morgan.

Kitty's birth signified that Myles would have to start sharing everything he ever owned, that included colors, toys, his room, and the most valuable thing to him: the small amount of time he shared with his parents.

At that time, Myles stopped talking to his family, which caused a great worry for his parents who didn't have the time or the energy to deal with Myles' rebellious attitude because Kitty needed a lot of medical check-ups. That was not that much of a worry for Marvin and Camilla, since Kristin told them that Myles' was just being jealous, because he would play normally and have fun while they were hanging out with Cara, Brian and Alex, and Myles wouldn't stop talking, not even to drink water. He was happy when he was spending time with his friends.

His parents tried to understand how he felt, so they decided to take him again to his psychologist, who blamed the parents for the jealousy of the child, since it was caused by lack of attention and care for him.

Camilla and Marvin had a hard time accepting the blame, so they decided to ignore the professional and blame each other instead. So much arguing needed to have an end, so they started punishing Myles for not talking and forced him to speak again. The methods used by Myles' parents worked almost perfectly as they intended, except for the fact that when Myles started talking again, he was dishonest and rude. He'd lie, steal money to buy candy for him and his friends, or just stay late with Alex in her house to avoid having to spend time with his parents or Kitty.

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