Chapter Ten - Gravity.

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-It was so scary to think about the possibility of never talking to you again. The fact that I spent hours sitting by your side, with machines making rhythmic sounds that only made me worry more, made me realize that it's better for you to do something about it now, before things get worse. -Shelby told Myles as they looked at the ceiling of their bedroom while laying together.

-But since then I've been so much better, and I'll always be grateful for the nights you stood by me. I felt like I could hear your voice when I was unconscious.

-That's not remotely possible, but I want to believe it. Only because I have no time to argue with you. -Shelby kissed Myles before leaving bed. -Remember to text Alex later, now I should go to work.

Myles stood out of the bed carefully, despite the accident having occurred a few months back, his body was still paying the price of living a double life.

-So? Will you call her? -Lena asked.

-No. -He replied without hesitating.

-I understand her choices, there was nothing to be done with us. She has her own life, and someday I'll catch up to her, that's why right now she's living and we're suffering.

Myles ignored Lena as he felt how every simple task in his life was now incredibly complicated to achieve on his own.

-Agh! I don't want to blame you for everything that's happening in our lives, Lena. -Myles' voice broke from the anger.

-But I blame myself. If I had the chance, and if something like this ever happened again, I'd sacrifice my life for you to be okay, just so you can be with Shelby and not suffer because of me.

-I would never ask you to sacrifice yourself for me.

-It would be my choice, because I'm my own person, and that's why I ask you, let me talk to Alex. I need to talk to her. -Lena's eyes shined with sadness.

Myles left his phone on the table, allowing Lena to call Alex and explain her feelings, and what she, in her difficult situation, wanted.

-I miss you so much, I've never stopped missing you, but I want to be straightforward with you, I don't think I can keep myself here for much longer. -Lena tried to not let her voice break.

-I miss you too, and I'll miss you even more, that's why I can't see you leave.

-I don't want to stress Myles' mind anymore, I don't want to... hurt him, but every time I use his body, that we change the chemistry and essence of our minds, I end up making our body suffer, and I don't know how much we can keep this up, stil... -Lena stayed silent.

-Still... what? Lena?

-I'm scared. I don't want to die. -Alex tried to calm Lena as she broke into tears.

-I won't let that happen, I could never forgive myself for that. I could never see Myles face to face again if I don't risk everything from me to save you. I want you to talk to Shelby, tell her everything from your point of view, so she can reason with Myles to find a way for this to work. I love you both, I don't want to lose any of you, please. I don't want to lose you.

-I'll try.

-I can't let you do that. -Shelby replied to Lena's petition as they shared some tea. -I understand Alex, and I understand you, but that same way you two want to be together, I have to fight for Ori. I love him, and even if I could live a life without him, I don't want to do that, because there's an option for me to not leave him. If that choice didn't exist, I'd let you be happy, but your happiness comes at my expense, and my story is about me, just like your story is about you.

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