Chapter Two - Teenage Changes

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-So? Do you already know what you want for your birthday? -Myles received a message from Alex on his computer while getting ready to go out.

-No, I couldn't care less about my birthday.

-That's Myles for you. -Myles didn't answer that message, but Alex kept insisting. -I was planning with Brian a role campaign about Vampire: The Masquerade, Cara was joining us and I invited Rachel as well to hang out.

-Reich is a noob, she'll ruin the campaign.

-Myles, you were also a noob when you started participating with us. And don't call her Reich anymore. Gods, you're such an idiot. Are you going out tonight?

-Yes, and I'd like you to let me be while I'm getting ready.

-You're Natalie's puppet, you know that? See you on Friday for the campaign?

-Yes. Can I leave now?

-These are messages, you're not tied to stay. -Alex went offline.

Myles while still getting ready for his date with Natalie Becker, who, after Myles joined the Theater club and asked her out, accepted him to go out for a few months. She was the one who could get Myles on the party list with the popular kids, parties that Alex was no longer part of since she started hanging out with Rachel.

That night, Myles agreed to go out to dinner with Natalie's parents, so he wanted to get the best impression possible. He got his Sunday suit on, some cologne and hair spray.

-So, Myles, how's school going? -Ms. Becker asked.

-Oh, it's going perfect, I have one of the best scores in my class. -Myles lied, since his performance was going down since he started the theater club.

-Myles has such a talent for arts too, and he's a great actor.

-I don't want to brag, Nat. It's something I got from my mother, she's a well recognized actress.

-Oh, has she been on a big movie title?

-I doubt you have seen some of her movies, most of them are Welsh films, that's where me and my parents come from. But she's acted on "The Blue Thing", "Terrible Love", and "Online Snow", she almost got an award for her performance on that last one. -This time, Myles wasn't lying.

-I didn't know your mom was famous. -Natalie spoke.

-I try not to talk a lot about it, I don't like bragging about my family.

-I'd like to meet your family one day. -Mr. Becker spoke seriously.

-They're out of town this weekend, otherwise I'd invite you with pleasure for dinner, so you can meet.

Myles couldn't take that facade for much longer, acting the role of a good and sophisticated child for Natalie's parents, since he already disliked their attitude.

-Thank you for being patient through two hours of dad's stories. -Natalie said while they were saying goodbye at the door.

-They're really... interesting, tonight was nice, and the food was delicious.

-I was wondering, would you like to come with me to Nick's party at his place this Friday?

-I don't think I can, you know how it is for me, my parents are going out and there's no one to take care of Kitty.

-We can leave her with your friend's mom, you know, the quiet girl.

-At Cara's? I don't know, Nat.

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