Chapter Eight - True Love.

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-It's mind-blowing how fast Kitty Neon Sakura sold out, Myles. Have you thought of making more? -Myles was answering at an interview at the comic store he always went to.

-I'm not sure, we have... I have some ideas, but I'm not sure how to consolidate them. -Myles doubted and lied, since his creativity was affected by everything that happened with Lena.

As the psychotherapy sessions passed, Myles felt how he was losing Lena from his life, and that wasn't making him happier.

-But we've seen quickly how, just in a few months, Kitty Neon Sakura has become one of the favorite comics of many people, and with the digital version being released next week, the fans are expecting new comics from this intriguing universe you've created.

-And the fans are right, I hope I can do more things in the universe of Neon Sakura. Be expectant of more.

-Thank you for your time, Myles. I hope you've enjoyed our interview with the mastermind behind Kitty Neon Sakura and Mythos.

Myles took a deep breath once the interview ended, and walked towards the new comics where he could clear his mind for a while.

-I think you did great. -Lena tried to cheer him up.

-I think that people expect a lot from me, and I don't feel capable of doing that.

-Don't dwell too much on what you could be, Ori, that way you'd never have time to think about who you are now. Kitty's comic is one of the best-selling right now, and Mythos is very decent, and one of my favorites.

-But I don't have as much inspiration as other people. -Myles looked through the new comics of indie publishers. -Look at these, Lena, all of these comics could be a thousand times better than mine. Abduction, Alone Soul, The Disappearance of Kenneth White, Ryft; the art style on each one of these drawings is amazing, and they honestly deserve a shot.

-You also started there, Myles, and you made something unique. -Myles and Lena looked through one of the comics. -Ryft, huh?

-This character looks a lot like Psywolf, don't you think? -Myles thought.

-She's literally named Psywolfe in the comic.

-Excuse me, do you know who made this comic? -Myles asked the seller.

-Sorry, sir, but if the name is not in the pages, I have no idea.

-Will you sue them for plagiarism?

-No, I really like this style, I couldn't do that. I'm going to buy it.

-I can't believe that someone like you is buying that comic. -A familiar voice told Myles. -I love your comic, Kitty Neon Sakura, I hope you don't sue them for basing their comic on the same universe as yours, and for using Psywolfe.

-It's a little risky, I could sue the creator if I wanted. -Myles looked at the girl with a smile.

-I know you would never do that... Don't we already know each other? -They both paused.

-I think so, but...

-You're having a hard time figuring out from where, I know who you are because I love your comic, but I don't remember your name ever.

-Shelby. -Myles smiled. -The only person who always forgets my name.

-Julia's friend, I knew I recognized your face when you were giving that interview.

-Yeah, that. It's for YouTube, I hope it went well enough. -Myles and Shelby laughed as they talked.

-I'm sure that was perfect, or at least as good as an amateur interview can go, somewhat uncomfortable at moments, especially when there's so many people and noise around you.

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