Chapter Nine - The Alternative.

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-You're going out with Shelby today?


-Does that mean that I'll have next week so I can go out with Alex?

-I don't know about that, Lena. Kitty has band practice next week too, and I don't know if Shelby wants to go out.

-But I have to- we have to take advantage of the fact that Alex will be visiting us, I want to finally go out with her.

Lena and Myles argued while running around the house frantically.

-Do you remember where we left our yellow-squared-flannel shirt? I wanted to use that tonight, but I couldn't find it.

-I think it's in the to-wash pile, I used it the other day when I went out with friends. -Lena replied.

-Then why didn't you wash it after? I have enough trying to remember everything else, Lena.

-Can you calm down for a second, Orion? Why are you so nervous?

Myles took a deep breath and sat down in the bed.

-I'm so damn tired, I can't think straight. Tonight we'll be watching a movie with Shelby, the new Spider-Man one. She has to make a review for her job, which I don't mind at all. I love those movies, but I feel distant.

-We haven't you talked about it? She trusts you more than everyone else.

-I wanted to talk about it today, but it's better for her to focus on the movie and not have to worry about me. I want to go out next week, but I know that Alex will be here by then, so there are even more problems.

-And you're worried that you've been dating for months, but you don't have a title yet.

-Yes, and I want to talk about it, I need to recover that confidence that she wants to be with me and I want to be with her, just like what you have with Alex.

-It's not easy with Alex, and a title won't make a difference. We've been girlfriends for months, but Alex lives miles away from here, and I have to share your body because otherwise I can't even hug her.

-I know, I know, you see each other very little, but you have that trust in each other. I trust Shelby, I really love her, but I'm worried sick to know if we're ready for the next step.

-I doubt you'll know. -Lena stood up from the bed and stretched in front of Myles. -But I hope you can solve this soon, and that you enjoy the movie tonight. You can use the red and blue shirt, I'll wash clothes tonight while I'm online with friends, so I can use the yellow shirt when I go out with Alex.

-And don't forget that we need to take Kitty to band practice.

-And that you're having lunch with Shelby too, I know, you could do those things at the same time, don't you think?

-I don't like to do a half-ass job, but I can manage myself so you can go out with Alex at night. -Myles took another deep breath and prepared himself to go out.

-So, did you enjoy the movie? -Shelby asked Myles as they left the theater.

-It wasn't bad. I'm not giving my opinion because I don't want to bias you in your review, when you write it.

-Ori, I already wrote it, nothing that you say will change my review, I just want to know how distracted you are.

-I'm not distracted, I'm just tired. -Myles sighed before looking at Shelby's eyes. -Alright, I'm very distracted, but it's because I'm tired.

-I'll invite you to my apartment so you can rest there tonight, you can keep me company while I clean up the review and I publish it.

-I'll make dinner for you then. It's the minimum you deserve.

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