Chapter Five - The Contemplation of Death.

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Myles's eighteenth birthday was approaching, and with it came more responsibilities. He had chosen to wait for a University, since there was not one career that he was interested in following, and his mother agreed with him, that he should take time to follow something that would make him happy.

With that, Myles also abandoned football, and he decided to start drawing comics that then he started selling with his little sister to her friends, a story about a detective in a world of vampires and other monsters, inspired on the nights he played role games with his friends.

After his friendship with Brian decayed, since he had no time for Myles anymore, Myles was talking more with Julia, his friend from the Alter World, who had evolved into an outside world friend, sending him texts until late in the morning, wanting both to be as far away from the Alter World as possible. They both understood that the Alter was a place for Lena and Oliver, not for themselves, that's why they made the choice to leave.

But despite all of that, Lena was making more friends thanks to the virtual world, where her new best friend, Oliver, was helping her discover her true personality, to speak with other girls from the Alter, like Gwen or Lana, and mainly to express herself in a much better way, she was not an extension of Myles anymore.

-So, that's how you feel about Lena lately? -Alex asked through Skype.

-Yeah, I don't feel like she's a part of me anymore, I see her as somebody else. Julia already showed me the differences she has with Oliver, and that made me ponder that maybe Lena is not like me, maybe she's... different.

-Lena is very different, I thought you already had that figured out. What I find odd is that both you and Julia have an Alter who also seems to align with your sexuality. Julia and Oliver both like men, and you and Lena both like women.

-Lena likes women?

-You didn't know that?

-Myles, you didn't notice? The way Lena and you talk to me about Gwen is incredibly obvious that she's interested differently, besides, I know that all her friends are dudes, that explains a lot more. It takes one to know one.

-I never questioned myself about that, to be honest. Whatever Lena does to make her happy, it doesn't affect me. Julia knows all about that, she tells everything to Oliver, and I think she's interested in me.

-So... Julia is interested in you? -Alex asked with a smile, mocking Myles.

-I think she does, at least I suppose she does. We usually speak until late in the night. Despite having to wake up early the next day, she likes to tell me about her friends and her day. She was planning on coming to Kansas next week with her best friend, Tami.

-She wants to visit you for your birthday?

-I think so, I wanted to go visit her before, but Kitty had to go to the hospital to get checked out for her issues, so I chose to postpone my trip and just wait.

-Myles, you're in love. I never thought you'd fall in love again after the failure that your relationship with Natalie was, and then early this year with Vicky, and after that you dated Frank, and you decided that he wasn't what you were looking for.

-All that time I was thinking about Julia anyway, that's why I didn't want anything with anyone else, is that what falling in love is all about?

-Myles, you called me crying when Vicky cheated on you with Mike. You fall in love quicker than I fall into depression.

-That's not funny, you were worrying me these last few days. -Myles sighed. -It's odd, when I can finally look into her eyes, I'll see if I feel the same way my body does when I fall in love.

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