Chapter Four - The Many-Alter-Worlds Interpretation.

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-Ori, you've been waiting for hours for Leo to reply, why don't we do something interesting while we wait?

-They told me that they would connect by this hour, it's not my fault that I'm just a busy person.

-Them or you? Because if I'm honest, I haven't seen you do anything productive the last three weeks. We must do something, Orion, Alex will arrive in a few weeks, and we haven't even planned the party.

-Lena, planning a party is not that difficult, the tedious part will be preparing her room.

-What did your mother say about that?

-That she's always happy to receive Alex, and since I'm doing all the work with cleaning the host's bedroom, she allowed us to let it be Alex's room for the few months she's staying with us.

-I heard that her mother doesn't even want to see her, maybe we should plan something secret, so she can see her father, Ori.

-That'd be a nice gesture from us, good thinking. While we wait, I'm going to put on some music. What would you like to listen to on this quiet March night, Ms Mercer?

-If I'm honest, my mood just screams Halestorm right now, I know you don't like it that much, but I need my dose. -Suddenly, a scream is heard from outside Myles' room, calling him.

-Mily! Cara is looking for you! -Kitty screamed loudly.

-Cara? What does she want? She hasn't been here in months, and she hasn't talked to you at school either.

-I'll be down in a second, tell her to wait. -Myles went down the stairs to find Cara, who was completely different since the last time he paid attention to her. Her hair was short and blue, quite opposite to how she usually looked, with her dark curls free at the wind.

-Hi, Cara.

-Hey, Mily. -Cara was nervous, you could hear her stumbling through her words. -Would you like to go for a walk? I'd like for us to chat.

-You know, Ori, this is the exact same situation where everything went south with Cara. The last talk you ever had, was while you were on a walk, it's something... poetic.

-Yeah, sure. Let me get myself a jacket so we can go.

-Do you recognize the good in this, Orion? Those things can't get worse between the two of you. Even more, if you think thoroughly about the situation in which Cara arrived, after months without saying a word to you, I'd say she wants to apologize, and it's going to be an honest apology, with clear motives.

-Or, simply, she feels sorry for me like everyone else at school, Lena.

-That's a possibility, but I don't think so. Cara has clearly changed, like if something awoke inside her, I can feel it, it's like my sixth sense is talking to me.

-We'll see if you're right, Lena, we've been on this walk for five minutes, and she's completely silent.

-Mily... -Cara broke the silence. -I've been meaning to say sorry for a few weeks now. I was afraid of telling you everything because I know it's possible that you might hate me, and never again talk to me, and I'd understand that.

-Cara, I don't hate you. I know you probably have your reasons, and I'm here to listen.

-Where do I start? I was an absolute idiot for leaving you behind like that. First Alex left, then Brian is not really caring about us, and then I distance myself when you have no one else? It was my mistake, and I feel sorry for doing it so, I promise you that I'll find a way to make it up to you with time. -Myles stayed silent as Cara spoke, she sighed lightly every time she finished expressing a thought. -Last year I was in a really dark place personally, and I didn't want anyone to see that. I wasn't enough, I wasn't myself. Every day when I looked in a mirror I felt sick, I was disgusted by myself and the fact that I felt in such an awful manner. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore, I started having suicidal thoughts. -Myles looked at Cara's eyes.

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