Chapter Seven - Depression and Psychological Evaluation.

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-So, how are the last details for the comic going? -Alex asked Lena, while they were having breakfast and walking through Kansas City.

-I'm still not sure about it. -Lena replied. -Ori is the one who makes the final choice, but the story it's going to be based on a cyberpunk world where people are designed perfectly through genetic manipulation, right?

-Yeah, I know up to that point, but how's the conflict going to be? And the resolution?

-Well, the main plot point is that Kitty needs to learn how to use her powers to do good, but halfway through the story her brother, who's actually not his biological brother, turns into stone after a second mutation happens to him, making his Alter Psyche manifest, that being Sthen, who turns everything she looks at into stone.

-It sounds an awful lot like you and Myles. -Alex said, pointing out the similitude between Sthen and Lena.

-It's the same idea.

-I don't want them to see you as a bad guy in something like this, besides, Medusa's powers were always seen as something bad.

-From Medusa's sister comes the name, Stheno. -Lena sighed. -But I'm not the bad guy, Kitty's objective is for me to join them, or for Sthen to join them, so she can recover Muhse.

-I hope readers can see the Sthen as someone apart from Muhse, and not like a bad extension of him because she can't control her powers.

Lena and Alex stayed silent for a few minutes.

-To be honest with you, I like the message of the story. -Alex said smiling. -Society is always flawed, no matter how perfect they want to make it, and those flaws can bring something better or something destructive, depending on what the people chose. Besides, I like the fact that Sthen can have an opportunity to be herself, and to be happy in a body that accepts her as she is. -Alex grabbed Lena's hand with a smile. -I hope they can see you as I do.

-I don't need anyone else to see me, because you see me. -Alex blushed and looked at the time.

-I think we should leave now, before Myles gets mad at us even more.

-At least you know me well. -Myles thought.

-You know, Alex, these six months with you have been the best months since I existed. I don't know what I'm going to do when you leave.

-For now, enjoy the two weeks we have left? What's the use of thinking about an uncertain future, when we can enjoy our present. Also, I'll be back eventually.

-I suppose I can do that. -Lena held Alex's hand tighter. -If I waited years to be with you this way, I can wait a little more.

-Besides, that doesn't mean that we won't talk anymore, we can do video calls with Myles, or play video games together, maybe the three of us even.

-With Ori we have a deal, where in every game with character creation, he has to make me. It's my way of living a life outside his body. Even though, lately we've been making a character in common for both of us.

-It must be hard for you two to live this way. -Alex's smile disappeared behind her worry.

-We try to be both happy, even if it's an immense mental stress.

-It's an equilibrium that we must keep, so he can be happy with Julia and I can be happy with you, but I'll always be happy to be with Orion for good and for bad, he's my best friend after all. -Lena said as an answer to Myles.

-I hope our come and go don't affect you too much. -Alex hugged Lena. -Should we keep walking? We have a few hours until Julia arrives.

-I'll go wherever, as long as you take me there. -Lena grabbed Alex by the hand with loving strength, and followed her through the music and video game stores.

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