Chapter Three - The Alter Mind.

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-I can't believe it's been a year since Alex left.

-I know, Brian, and she is rarely online on the Internet. -Myles replied.

-I heard something about her being the best player in her league. -Cara added.

-I'm not surprised, Alex always had a better goal average and assist average than me and Brian combined.

-Despite us being the best on Clearwater.

-That doesn't say a lot about you, guys. -Cara answered with a smile.

The three friends were waiting at Kansas' International Airport, waiting for Alex's arrival. They had been in contact a little since she left, but the last conversation she had with Myles, she told him the day she'll visit Clearwater. Alex didn't give any more information than the date, so the group had to figure out the hour and every detail about her flight.

-Do you think we made a mistake on the plane she's on?

-I don't think so, the only flight from Ezeiza to Kansas that was listed today is this, I'm certain of that. -Cara said, checking every paper she printed with information.

-We'll trust our hacker. -Myles added. -That should be her plane, the five o-clock one!

-I don't know why I'm so nervous.

-It's fine, Lena, I'm a little nervous too. -Myles thought.

-Well, if it isn't my favorite group of nerds. -Alex said while carrying her luggage.

Everyone ran quickly to hug her and help with her bags. Myles' mother was waiting for them outside to take them back to Clearwater, since it was a long way back home.

-Miss Morgan, if you could drop me home when we arrive, I'd be grateful.

-Brian has to do some saliva interchange with his girlfriend. -Myles joked.

-Wow, what else did I miss while I was timed out? -Alex asked.

-Nothing relevant. -Cara said with a small laugh. -We started a new role campaign about InSpectres, and Dalila is really creative for roleplay.

-Who is Dalila? -Alex questioned.

-Brian's girlfriend, since September he has been nuts for this girl. -Myles replied.

-You should've seen them at the new year's party, they were adorable.

-Cara, please. I was dancing with Dali for hours because none of you even showed up to the party.

-That's where you're wrong, brother, we were there all the time, watching you while you kissed. -Myles laughed.

-I feel like I lived a whole life on another planet, it all feels alien to me now that I'm back in Kansas. -She sighed.

-Well, then, you're back at home again. -Myles said while they unloaded the luggage and took it to a room inside the house.

-Are you sure it's a good idea to have Alex stay at your home? -Lena asked.

-Of course, I don't want her to be at her house with all the trouble she had with her parents. -Myles thought.

-It's an odd feeling to have Alex so close, especially having been apart for so long.

-I feel the exact same way, Lena. But I'm happy that she agreed to spend those two weeks staying in Clearwater at my home.

-Cara is playing with your sister, and I'm shocked that your house didn't change a little since I left. -Alex exhaled, letting her drop on Myles' bed. -But your bed is still my favorite place to annoy you.

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