Chapter Eleven: Part One - Myles Orion Morgan

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- What am I supposed to do now!? -Myles screamed into the void, waiting for an answer that would never come.

His mind was starting to collapse from Lena's absence, her memories, her personality, bit by bit were disappearing from this world leaving Myles feeling empty, until he realized that this wasn't the world he belonged to.

-Today I watched another movie to write a review for, but I don't have the energy to keep working. I feel like movies aren't the same without someone to share them with, and even if many people wait for my reviews, it's not the same if you're not there. -Shelby rested her head on Myles' bed as she held his hand. -Nothing is the same without you, Ori.

Myles' hand-held Shelby tightly, with not many signs that his body was fully functional, she broke down to cry from happiness to notice such a small detail, a detail that marked a huge difference for her.

-Listen, I understand that it can be an involuntary reflex, but he never before did that.

-His brain activity diminished a lot, we don't want to give you false hopes. We'll make sure to monitor him closely to see if anything else happens, even if we don't want you to lose hope, Myles has been laying there for over a year, and the conditions of his body are not good.

-Doctor, the patient opened his eyes. -The nurse interrupted the conversation with Shelby, who was waiting anxiously for news after a few hours before Myles grabbed her hand.

-His pupils react, but his body won't move. We have detected that his iris is recovering the natural green he used to have, but it's still visible that the gene mutation he suffered left a trace of blue, even though we don't feel like this will have a negative consequence in his vision. Myles can hear us, he proved it moving his left hand, that's why Shelby noticed him holding her hand. We don't know how long he'll take to recover, but his brain seems to be regenerating sooner than we expected. That is very good news.

The doctor's words awoke a burst of emotion on Shelby and Kitty, who hugged immediately between the tears, as they decided who was going to call Myles' dad to give him the news.

-Things aren't so bad despite everything that's going on, a lot of things happened while you were unconscious, like a lot of movies I had to watch between visits at the hospital, this place is almost my second home. -Shelby told Myles as he could only watch her and express emotions with his face. -We had a crisis in the outside world, for a long ass time there was a virus really contagious, and that actually put you in a lot of danger, luckily, AbsolCorp intervened quickly and they made a vaccine that was free for everyone, but you were one of the last people to take it, they thought you wouldn't survive. -Shelby caressed his hair as she held back the tears. -I was so afraid of losing you, I spent so many nights crying at my apartment because I didn't know when I was going to receive a message from your dad or your sister telling me that something bad had happened to you, and at the moment I could finally see your eyes again my soul returned into my body, feeling how you grabbed my hand was everything I needed. It's possible that you'll take a few weeks before you can talk again, which I would tell you it's normal, but the doctors say that you're recovering even more quickly than other patients with your same condition, I guess... -She knew what Myles was suffering from. -You had to sacrifice Lena.

-She... sacrificed. -Myles replied with a rough voice as tears fell down his face.

-Don't force yourself to talk, I'm sure we'll have time for you to tell me everything, for now you need to rest. I figured what happened with Lena when they told us your brain activity had lowered. I wish I could have the chance to thank her for what she did.

Shelby stood with Myles for weeks, helping him recover, to feed himself, and little by little recovering motor functions that were affected by months of not moving.

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