Chapter Six - Myles, The Superhero.

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Myles woke up early to help Kitty prepare for her first day of school, she was already in seventh grade. Myles was relaxed, preparing a breakfast for three, since Julia was staying with them for a few months to keep them company.

-Kitty, Jules, breakfast is ready, you're going to be late! -Myles called them as he served the table.

-We're going! -Julia replied as they walked towards Myles. -Kitty is a little uncomfortable with her uniform, she thinks they'll laugh at her.

-Whoever dares to laugh at my little sister, I'm going to kick their ass.

-Of course you would, Rude Myles, I'd never doubt that about you. -Julia hugged him. -How are your comics going?

-Not too well, to be honest. I have no ideas, and every draft ends up being a simple and boring idea. I don't have much time to draw either. -Myles sighed. -Kitty, you're going to be late!

-Myles, my Spider-Man backpack is not closing. -Kitty sat down to have breakfast while she tried to close the backpack.

-You two eat, I'll fix your backpack. -Myles sat down to repair the zip. -Do you bring everything you need?

-I think so... -Kitty said, doubtingly.

-And all of these comics?

-Those are yours, I'm thinking about selling them to my friends, like I did before and like Jules does.

-Julia works selling comics, I don't want you to get in trouble for selling stuff again.

-Myles, Kitty just wants to help you. I think it's fine if she does, as long as it's only on breaks, right Kitty? -Julia added.


-I see you already talked about this without me. I doubt my opinion has any value, now eat and don't let the bus leave without you. -Myles put down the backpack beside Kitty, already fixed, and kissed her on the forehead. -Promise me you'll be good.

-I can't promise anything, brother, but I'll do my best. -Kitty said goodbye to Julia and Myles as she boarded the bus.

-I'm worried that Kitty will get mad at me when I leave. -Julia said.

-She has to understand that life is this way, not everyone can be there forever, right? Besides, I think she'll understand, I get that it pains her to see people she loves to leave.

-I understand that feeling, she still cries because she misses her mother, Myles, she even told me that she hates Alex for not calling anymore. It breaks my heart to go back to Philly, but I have so much to do still.

-Relax, Jules, I understand you. I'm going to miss you too, but for now your life is out there, and we'll talk and be together as we can. -Myles hugged Julia lovingly. -You'll always have a part of my heart, and I'll always be grateful for keeping me company through these times.

-Yeah, I think I should focus on enjoying my last two days with you. By the way, I was on the Alter World with Oliver last night, and Gwen asked about Lena.

-Lena has been incredibly distant, she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to know anything about Alex, and she feels awful for distancing from Gwen, but at the same time feels it's better for everyone.

-That has to do with your lack of creativity, doesn't it? Lena doesn't want anything to do with anyone since I came here, and Alex doesn't want to come here until I leave. I feel like I'm ruining your life.

-Julia, that's not true. Alex doesn't want to come because she doesn't want to be a burden, she feels guilty of not being here when everything with my mom happened, and I should've been there for Alex, so she could feel better. I should have been there with Kitty when she was feeling lonely, I should have been there for my father, for you, but I only locked myself in my own self-pity-bubble, and you saved me. You freed me.

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