Chapter Eleven: Part Two - Lena Mercer

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-Where am I? -Lena tried to get out of the hospital bed, feeling pain in her muscles and her neck, she lifted herself up regardless.

-S'il vous plaît ne vous levez pas. Je trouverai le docteur. -The nurse seemed to be in panic as she looked for the doctor.

-Wait, I don't understand. -Confused, Lena rested her head on the pillow, holding on the pain that it caused her to have her eyes open. -Je ne parle pas français. -She whispered to herself.

Everyone around her was seen speaking French, and what she could see was that various people were discussing in panic after she woke up.

The doctor entered the room and started checking up her vital signs, her pupils and her reactions.

-Can you tell me your name? Age? Do you recognise where you are? -The doctor asked Lena in French, to which she understood perfectly.

-Le... Lena Mercer. Twenty-two years old. I'm at the hospital. -She replied in fluent French. -What's going on? Why are we speaking French? Do I know French?

-Wait here for a few seconds. -The doctor called the two adults waiting at the entrance of the room. -Do you recognise these people?

-No, I don't think so. Should I know who they are? Is something wrong with me?

-I don't think it's something wrong, but it's certainly strange. They're your parents, Claire, and you're at a hospital in Paris, France.

-That can't be possible, my name is not Claire, and I don't have parents, my name is Lena. -She started to panic at not being able to understand the situation nor recognise the people around her, she was lost at an unknown place.

-She's not Claire. -The mother who was with the doctor replied. -Claire has brown eyes, not blue.

-Who's Claire? -Lena demanded a response.

-Listen... Lena. With the presence of your... of mister and miss Petit, I want to explain something to you: In this same bed, until fifteen minutes ago, there was a girl who looked like you, named Claire Petit.

-And what happened to her?

-The fact that you don't know is the reason why we're confused. Claire came to this hospital because, after many problems, she tried to commit suicide, that's why you have marks on your neck. -The doctor pointed to the burn marks on Lena's body that she didn't recognise, things she didn't see before. -Her brain was without oxygen for a long time, and her parents were talking about donating her organs, since she was declared brain dead for the lack of oxygen, but that's when you woke up, like a miracle. -Lena was still confused, but a little less scared after the explanation.

-Do you have a mirror? I need to see myself. -Lena received a mirror to look at herself, noticing her lack of hair, her blue eyes and the marks on her neck. -Oh, no. I'm so sorry for what happened to Claire, I don't understand what I'm doing here.

-We'll find your identification and then we'll see what we can do about Claire.

-But... -Lena didn't know how to explain her existence. -I don't think there's any identification about me, nor files. Liste, I'm not a real person, I'm an Alter, an extra personality of a guy who lives in Kansas, in the United States. -The doctor, confused, kept listening to Lena.

-How's that person named? Maybe we can contact them.

-No, he was also at a hospital. His name is Myles Orion Morgan, he's a comic book artist, you might be able to find his name online, and his father too. Marvin Andreas Morgan, he's a writer and movie director. Search for them, I know who I am.

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