Chapter Thirty Two

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There I was thinking he was in his office he turns up for work five hours late. He didn't notice me as he stumbles into his office almost walking into the door. Wonder where he went. Do I care where he went? No. Well, a little bit he is my fiance brother after all. That was the last I saw of him for a while. I still had all those files on my desk from Friday the ones he needs to speak with. I guess I am going to have to sort out the meetings for him. Well, I am his PA but we are both inexperienced in this. I start up looking at his diary on my computer and pencil the ten names in next week. We need to do this all on the same day but they will talk anyway. Employees do. I pick up the phone and call Jordan. It takes a few rings for him to answer.

"Yes," a gruff voice on the other end.

"I have sorted out the meetings for the employees you need to speak with. Do you want me to email them or can you do it".

"You're the PA, that's your job".

"And what are you doing?".

"Busy with other things. So you sort it. Then let me know times".

Then he hung up on me. He sounds drunk. He is getting under my skin since he has been back. I know travelling the world changes people but I thought for the better. Not turn them into selfish, annoying, nasty and outright rude people. He was never like that, he was charming goofy warm basically a total sweetheart with a bit of cockiness. Since he has come back that has all gone and in its place is a cocky jealous guy. He broke it up with me. I moved on and he didn't. That's his problem, not mine. That's next Wednesday sorted. Well, that brought me up to lunchtime. I get up from my desk and go to pick up my bag to go. My phone rings. I sigh what does he want now. It's my lunch break.

" Can you pick me up a greasy burger on your back from lunch, please?" Once I answered my phone.

"Why can't you get it?".

" You're my PA and I'm on a conference call".

"But you're talking to me".

"On in a minute. Have you emailed those people on the list yet?".

" Yeah I have. You better not show your face around here for a while".

"That's fine. They don't like me cos I'm half their age. How can a guy in his twenties run a department? I have heard them. It's only because daddy is a co-founder of the company". He sighs " This is why I went to travel for a year to get away from all this shit".

"Right I'm on lunch". And hung up on him moaning. Definitely drunk still. You can also smell the alcohol coming down the phone when he talks and breaths. Well if you could. I know he is drunk. No wonder he was five hours late for work. And because of him, I have to take a late lunch.

 I soon leave the office. And normally I have lunch with Jon but he is not here at the office today. So lunch on my own. It was a short walk but I went back to the lake with ducks near the diner where Jordan wants his burger from. I can pick that up on the way back.  I sat there watching the ducks swim in the lake. I feel a little overdressed sitting by the lake in my formal work clothes which consists of a white blouse and black pencil skirt. But other office workers were wearing nearly the same sat there too having lunch. It's nice to get out of the office. My phone starts beeping messages.

Jon: how's your day going?

Jon: hope my little bro not causing you too much trouble

Me: no he isn't. Hasn't been here most of the day.

Me: been in his office

Jon: sulking

Me: no hangover

Jon: oh

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