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It was after the first game of the season and everyone was celebrating. Olivia was about to go congratulate Spencer when she sees Layla talking to him both unaware of her presence. She felt so defeated.

Olivia's POV

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I'm not really the kind of girl that's gets the guy. I stand under the bleachers waiting for Hadley to show up and bring the one thing that can ease my cravings.

Hadley approaches me with an orange pill bottle in hand. "I thought you were sober?"

I ignore her question and try to take the pill bottle out of her hand. Before I can get it out of her grip she uses that as an opportunity to pull me closer and kiss me. She kiss me passionately as her hands begin to roam my body. I know its wrong and she's my brother's girlfriend but I had a bad day and this could possibly make things better.

I pull back because I can't keep doing this to Jordan.

"What? It's not anything we haven't done before?" She says in a seductive tone.

" I know but we can't anymore" I tell her walking away.

An Hour Later

I'm high as a kite and I have no one to blame but myself. One year of sobriety and I threw that out the window for a guy I just met, what is wrong with me?

I walk into the house and its dark. I assume I'm the only one home until I see the TV on and of course Spencer is here. The one person I was not expecting to see tonight. I try to rush up the stairs to avoide him but he stops me.

"Hey you good?" He ask in a concerned tone.

"Yeah perfect" I respond walking up the stairs when he catches my hand.

"Are you sure?" He questions me with a concerned tone again, this time examining my whole body language. I see his eyes shift and I know he knows.

"Are you high right now?"

"Uh no I don't know what you're talking about" I laugh. I'm trying so hard to put on my best sober front but I can't help but laugh because I see two of him.

"Here come sit down" he guides me to the couch by taking my hand.

Spencer's POV

I knew Olivia had an addiction problem but I thought she was sober, unless she's not anymore. I know I just met her and I shouldn't intrude but she clearly needs help and we're the only two home.

"Are you okay" I ask her staring at her but she's clearly out of it.

"Look, when I turn to this side I'm high but when I turn to the other side, I'm completely sober. Maybe I should stay on this side" she says laughing as she turns to her right side, facing the opposite direction of me.

I knew rich people had their own issues but I didn't think it was this serious. I wonder what her problem is. As I start to ask her I notice she fell asleep and I can't help but sigh. I cover her up wit the throw blanket beside her and lay her head on my lap.

The Next Day

"Hey good morning?" I say in the form of a question when I see her slowly opening her eyes and lift her head off my lap.

"Maybe we should talk about last night" I begin.

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