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Back at the Baker House

"Maybe we should talk about last night." Spencer trails unsure of how to start the conversation.

Olivia sits up from the couch facing him. "I would rather not" she responds with a slight chuckle.

"I thought you were sober and last night you didn't look too sober to me"

Olivia POV

Of course the one time I want people not to notice me is when they actually do. I don't even know how to begin to answer that question. I can't tell him that I reverted back to my old ways because I felt rejected by him. I'll look pathetic. But it doesn't seem like he's letting this go so I have to come up with something fast.

"I just had a bad day yesterday, it's not a big deal" I tell him and he side eyes me and I just know he doesn't believe a word that I'm saying.

"Bad day? You seemed pretty fine before the game" he says staring at me and it feels like he's staring into my soul.

"The truth?" I ask and he nods.

"After the game, I wanted to congratulate you but you were already talking to Layla....which made me feel some type of way. I don't know. I just have this feeling about not being wanted... and being around you makes that feeling.....better? I don't know how to explain's like you get me, so when I saw you talking to her all those feelings of not being enough or wanted made me want to drown it out.." I tell him and he just stares at me with a blank expression and I knew I shouldn't have overshared. I'm such an idiot.

"You probably think I'm crazy..I didn't mean to projects my issues on you" I say standing up from the couch ready to walk away but he grabs my hands and stands up with me.

" I get it, that feeling of not being enough? Not feeling wanted? I feel that way sometimes too. What I don't get is why me talking to Layla would make you feel that way". He says and I try to read his expression because there's no way that he's that clueless. I thought it was obvious.

"Because I like you...Spencer" I tell him wholeheartedly.

"Oh" was the only thing he said. I thought last night was bad. I'm gonna need a whole bottle of pills and two bottles of wine to get over this embarrassment.

I can see he wants to say more but fortunately I was saved by more humiliation when Jordan walks through the door with Hadley.

Jordan walks up to me and Spencer without saying anything and I'm totally confused. All of a sudden he punches Spencer to the ground and I'm even more confused.

"Jordan the hell? What are you doing?" I ask him as I watch Spencer struggle to get up.

"He's the reason you're using again!" He shouts pointing at me. And I'm baffled. How would he even know that? And suddenly I see Hadley smirking from the corner of my eye. Of course she told him. This girl can't ever seem to stay out of my business.

Spencer finally gets up and pushes Jordan and before it can escalate I get in between them.

"Spencer I think you should go" I tell him and he looks at me disappointed before scoffing and grabbing his phone, leaving out slamming the house door behind him.

"Dude you need to calm down" I say to Jordan and he just rolls his eyes.

"How can I calm down when you just got out of rehab less than a year ago and you go back to using? And it's all his fault. What the hell Liv, do you want to get sent back?" He shouts before taken a sit on the couch.

I look over to Hadley and she's in the kitchen pretending not to listen to us.

"Listen Jordan last night was a one time mistake. And it's not Spencer's fault. I chose to get high. That was all me. Who even told you anyways"

"It doesn't matter who told me" He says looking down.

"It was you right, you told him even though you're my DRUG DEALER" I say walking over to Hadley.

"Drug dealer? Are you still high? Why would I help you break your soberity Olivia " she says getting in my face and before I could push her Jordan pulls me back.

"Is it true Hadley ?" Jordan ask her looking disappointed and she rolls her eyes.

"You're seriously gonna believe a junkie over me, your girlfriend?"

I push Jordan aside because Hadley has me fucked up. "Funny how today I'm a junkie but yesterday you had your tongue down my throat, guess you like the taste of crackhead" I say getting ready to smack her when Jordan pulls me back again.

"Hadley you need to leave" Jordan tell her and she looks pretend shocked.

"You're seriously kicking me out ? After everythi-" she starts to say but I cut her off.

"Bye bitch" I say waving and she storms off slamming the door.

I brace myself as I turn towards Jordan because I know the conversation we're about to have is gonna be hard. "Why is everyone slamming our door like they pay rent" I say chucking trying to lighten the mood.


"I know Jordan. I messed up, I honestly didn't want you to find out this way but here we are. It was just one time and-"

"I forgive you"

"Wait what ?" Now I'm confused. I've literally been fucking his girlfriend why would he forgive me so easily.

"What exactly are you forgiving me?"

"For Hadley, I've been meaning to break up with her for a while. Between you and me I kinda of been cheating on her with Simone"

"Are you serious? You've been cheating on her" I say slapping his arm

"And you've been sleeping with her so.. " he trails and we both laugh hysterically.

After our laughter died down, we were lefted in akward silence. "So I should probably apolzige to Spencer huh?" Jordan ask looking at me as if he needs permission.

"Ya think? First you get him drunk, then you become the reason why he can't go home during the weekdays, now you try to fight him for a misunderstanding? No good" I say and Jordan looks at me in amazement. "What?" I ask him.

"Nothing, its just wow. You must really like him."

"I do but it doesn't matter. He definitely doesn't feel the same....But are you gonna tell mom and dad about my little slip up" I ask him trying to change the subject from me and Spencer because I know there's no future for the both of us.

"I'm not gonna snitch on you, but you need to tell them yourself"

I let out a loud sigh thinking about what Jordan said because he's right.


Spencer's POV

Jordan is lucky Olivia was there because I would have knocked his ass out. It's a good thing Layla texted me because today has been a lot and it just started. I wait outside her door after knocking.

"Spencer hey" she says opening the door in an overexcited tone.

"Hey wassup" I respond grinning from ear to ear. Her smile makes me warm inside.

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