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Olivia pulled her phone from her ear when she heard the click. Spencer's rushed goodbye played over in her mind because she didn't know what to make of it.

Unsettled by the way their phone call ended, Olivia started to pack her things.

"Where are you going?" Hadley questioned her, as she looked up from the PowerPoint presentation they were working on.

"I have to go" Olivia responded, continuing to pack without paying either of her friends any mind.

"Yeah I can see that but why?" She further inquired in her typical snarky tone.

"Something's up with Spencer"

"Wow, so you're ditching our project for a guy?" Hadley rolled her eyes and for the first time since she got off the phone, Olivia looked at her.

"No, I'm leaving because my part is finished and I shouldn't have been here in the first place. I made a promise to someone I love and I broke it and if you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you" Olivia snapped back causing Hadley to go mute. She didn't have a come back for that comment. Aaron watched as his ex-girlfriend fought for herself and he was baffled.

"How are you gonna get home?" He questioned and she groaned, forgetting Jordan still had her car.

"I'll give you a ride" he offered.

"Are you sure?" She asked, not wanting to be a burden.

"Yeah, how else are you gonna get back" his sarcasm made her laugh.

"I guess I'll see you both tomorrow" Hadley walked them out, trying to hide her disappointment. It was bad enough that Olivia left but now she was completely alone... again.


"Home sweet home" Aaron said, as he pulled into the Baker driveway and turned his car off.

"Thanks" Olivia softly smiled.

"So you and Spencer?...." Aaron began to question, treading lightly.

"Yup" she cheesed, thinking about her boyfriend.

"Happiness looks good on you Livvie"

"Livvie? Wow" she laughed. "I haven't been called that it almost-"

"2 years" he nodded his head, thinking back to their time together in rehab.

"It's really been that long huh?"

"Yeah, and you've changed. I'm guessing he has something to do with that" Aaron said, bumping her shoulders lightly, causing her to chuckle.

"Kind of" she answered.

"I'm happy for you, you deserve it"

"Thanks" she responded, unsure if he meant it. The car was quiet when she asked the question that was on her mind since she first saw him again.

"I hate to ask... but are you-"

"Sober?" He chuckled and she nodded, a little shameful that she even asked him that question but she was genuinely curious.

"Do you think I am?" He asked, avoiding the question and she knew it.

"I don't know what to think. The last time we spoke you said you only had two reasons for getting clean and then those reasons disappeared so.." She answers truthfully. Aaron was one of the only people she connected with in rehab and just like her, he had his own story.

Taking a deep breath, he finally gave her a clear answer. "No"

"Aaron" she voiced, her tone concerned.

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