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3 Months Later

"Between Jordan and Ms.Tina...let's just say I'm glad the wedding is today. If I look at one, I mean one more flower arrangement, you're gonna have to put me in the ground Spencer" Olivia informed her boyfriend over the phone as she adjusted her braids. Spencer spent the summer at Rivals Camp Series, working on his football skills and getting noticed by D1 school while Olivia stayed home working on her podcast and helping distract Jordan and Simone with wedding planning while they also dealt with the loss of putting baby Shay up for adoption. Olivia also spent her free time at the James house, building a closer bond with Grace, Corey and Dillion, in Spencer's absence.

Additionally, Hadley would pop in here and there to hang out with Olivia, without her gaining any suspicion. Layla just got back from her involvement in the summer tour and was helping Simone get ready for the wedding at the hotel. While Coop and Patience were due to arrive back home a day before school started because they wanted to spend more time in Miami.

"Dang it's that bad?" Spencer chuckled on the other line while he put the car in park. He had gotten back from camp 2 hours ago, he went home to change first and say hi to his family before taking the car and driving over to the Baker's to surprise Olivia.

"Worse. Babe trust me if you were here-" Olivia began to say but was cut off by the sound of the front door. "JORDAN GET THE DOOR" Olivia shouted at her brother downstairs but he ignored her demands.

"I swear if it wasn't his wedding day I would actually kill him" Olivia mumbled as she made her way downstairs to open the door. "Hold on, someone's at the door" she told Spencer. When she opened the door, she immediately dropped her phone and leaped into her boyfriend's arms.

"I thought you weren't getting back until later tonight?" She smiled as he spun her around. Before he could respond, she crashed her lips onto his. He brought her legs up so they could wrap around his waist and he brought them closer inside the house and walked them to the kitchen without breaking the kiss.

"Gross" Jordan groaned while he ate his cereal with a fork, watching the display beside him. They ignored him and continued expressing how much they missed each other.

"I'm eating here" Jordan continued and they finally pulled away to acknowledge him. Spencer bought Olivia back down and she took a step back so Spencer could greet his best friend.

"Wassup J"

"Hmm" Jordan answered, not looking up from his bowl of cereal. Spencer has tried to reach out to Jordan numerous occasions over the summer but Jordan declined each offer. He was still upset with Spencer for transferring schools and telling him after the fact but Jordan wouldn't openly admit it.

Still overly excited to see her boyfriend, Olivia turned her attention back to him, "Hi" she squealed, hugging her boyfriend again. "I missed you" she pouted as she pulled away from the hug.

"I missed you too, girl" he cheesed. "Nice hair by the way" Spencer complimented while holding her hand.

"Nice of you to notice" she twirled so he could get the full effect of her hair and also her over the shoulder blush maid of honor dress that fell all the way to her feet and hugged on her every curve.

"Damn" he whispered, completely mesmerized.

"Now I've lost my appetite" Jordan gagged while walking around them.

"Did I mention I missed you?"

"How much?" he raised his eyebrow, entertaining his girlfriend.

"A lot" she nodded her head. She placed a slow, tender kiss on his lips. "I missed...your kisses" she pecked his lips once more. "And I missed...your touch" she said, grabbing his hand and placing it around her waist and moving it down to her ass, palming it. "And also I missed your.."

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