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Spencer's POV

After Coop's performance her and Layla left and rode together to Asher's party leaving me, Jordan, Olivia and Shawn to pile up in Jordan's small sports car. The entire ride Jordan tries to maintain a conversation with me but I'm distracted by Shawn and Olivia in the backseat flirting. Me and Shawn just got back to a good place and I don't want to ruin it but seeing him and Olivia laughing and smiling makes me sick.

"Okay we're here, get out" Jordan says to Olivia and Shawn after we pull up to the driveway of the Baker house.

Olivia gives Jordan a smart remark before motioning for me to get up and let them out the backseat. As her and Shawn get out and start to walk towards the house I pull her arm and she gives me a confused looked.

"You sure you don't want me to stay because I can ditch the party" I ask her and she shakes her head no so I let her arm go.

"It's alright man she'll be fine" Shawn tells me and I motion him away so Olivia doesn't hear us.

"Whatcu want with Liv man what's the goal?" I ask him point blank and he laughs but immediately stops when he doesn't see me laughing.

"I mean I think she's cool and interesting. I like her" he says and he seems genuine. "What? That's all you or something? Cause I can fall back" he continues but I shake my head.

"Nah it's all good. Go for it. I'll fall back" I tell him before getting back in Jordan's car. Before Jordan pulls off I can see Shawn join Olivia in the house as her smile radiants.

"We have to pick up Simone on the way to Asher's" Jordan says and for the first time tonight I actually hear what he's saying.

"Simone? What happened to Hadley?"

"It's a long story, I'll explain on the way" Jordan responds and sure enough he tells me the full story, long and messy.

After picking up Simone we finally get to Asher's. He's not my favorite person but he does know how to throw a good party, everyone in town is here.

As soon as we walk through the door we're greeted by Hadley and she's clearly drunk. "Hey ex-boyfriend, w-where's my girlfriend?" She ask slurring her words and I take that as my que to walk away.

Jordan's POV

"Liv isn't here Hadley, so can you please get out the way" I ask slightly pushing her out the way. She stumbles a bit almost falling but Simone catches her.

"Why don't you deal with this babe" Simone tells me pushing Hadley in my arms before walking away.

I position Hadley so she can stand up right by herself. "She hates me doesn't she?" She ask starting to cry.

"Who Simone? She's not even thinking about you"

"Nooo not siMonE" she says mocking me. "Olivia, Liv hates me?"

"I honestly don't know Hadley but instead of worrying about Liv, maybe you should I don't know apologize to the person you cheated on" I suggest pointing to myself. I don't really need an apology from her because we both were in the wrong but she fucked my sister so it's the least she can do.

"Jordan I'm really sorry. It's just Olivia was there for me when you weren't and I love her and the beautiful things she could do with her tong-" she starts to say and I walk away in disgust. That's two minutes of sanity I'm never going to get back. I continue to mingle and browse through the party looking for Simone.


Spencer's POV

After leaving Jordan and Simone to deal with hurricane Hadley I quickly spot Coop and Layla and they look comfortable by the drinks.

"There you are, man I thought you got lost" Coop says dabbing me up.

"Nah" I respond staring at how close her and Layla are.

"What y'all got going on over here" I say pointing in between them.

"I was just telling Coop how my dad is looking for new artists to represent and hopefully get him out the house" Layla responds and Coop nods.

"Yeah your girl got the hook up" Coop says grinning at Layla.

"Actually she's not my-" before I could finish my sentence Layla does it for me.

"We're just friends, plus he's feeling someone else" she says raising an eyebrow.

"The overzealous Olivia?" Coop ask smacking my arm and I glare at her.

"It's okay, Spencer I kind of figured. The way you were staring at her earlier. I honestly think you guys would be good together" Layla says reassuring me and I feel even worse.

"She likes Shawn" I blurt out and Coop starts laughing.

"My name Bennett and I ain't in it" was the last thing she said before walking away and leaving me and Layla.

"Wow" I say pointing back at Coop and we both laugh.

"What makes you think she likes Shawn" Layla ask in a genuine concern tone.

"Did you see the way they were flirting and looking at each other"

"No but I did see the way you were looking at her. Spencer I've known Olivia my whole life. Granted we never really hung out" Layla starts to say and I laugh thinking back to Olivia's comment about the two of them.

"But I do know for a fact that she doesn't respond to the laid back nonchalant attitude. If you really like her, you have to come out and say it. Be bold with it or she won't take you seriously" Layla finishes and her words really resonates with me.

She gives me a kind smile before attempting to walk away but I stop her.

"We good?" I ask to make sure that what we were just talking about wasn't weird for her. Not that it would be weird because we're friends but you never know.

"Of course, the first advice is free but if you come back for more I'm gonna have to charge you" she responds walking away to meet up with Coop and I laugh.

10 Minutes Later

After being ditched by Coop, Layla, Jordan and Simone I make myself comfortable by the drinks area and the peace I have is short lived.

"What you want girl" I ask Hadley as she stumbles over me reaching for another drink.

"I know that look"

"What look ?" I ask her starting to get annoyed.

"The I'm in love with Olivia Baker but can't tell her because she'll never go for me look. I invented that look" she responds grinning.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I respond taking a sip from my water.

"Sure you don't.... You know it must be really hard having her so close by and yet...being the last thing on her mind" Hadley says and it sounds like she's more so speaking to herself from experience.

"That's right. You thought dating Jordan would somehow bring you closer to her. How did that work out for you?" I chuckle about to walk away but she pulls my arm.

"She's just gonna end up hurting you, it's who she is. She draws you in just to push you out" she tells me and before I can respond I feel a fist connect with my jaw and the next thing I know I'm on the ground.

Please excuse any mistakes

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