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Present Day 1 Month Later

"How long is this going to take?" Olivia questioned while staring down at the lake, discouraged by the lack of fish in her view.

"Patience" Spencer and Corey both laughed.

"Patience" she mumbled rolling her eyes. "I just don't believe there are any fishes down there. And if there are, they're probably laughing at us" she continued.

"Baby I said the same thing when I first came out here but trust me, it's a lot of fishes down there" Spencer reassured her while grabbing her free hand with his. Corey watched the exchange in awe.

"You're probably scaring them off with all your talking" Corey teased.

"Mr. James are you saying I talk too much?" Olivia asked making the group laugh.

"I mean you are Billy Baker's daughter" he responded and she thought about it for a while before agreeing.

"That's true" she shook her head.

"Spencer told me when y'all first met but do you know the real story" Corey questioned in amusement.

"The real story?" Spencer and Olivia questioned in unisons. "Chromosomal DNA right?" Olivia asked looking over at her boyfriend.

"Y'all kids don't remember when you really met?"

"Well since you know, why don't you tell us old man" Spencer laughed, indulging his father.

"Okay" Corey adjusted himself in his chair and began to tell the story.

Flashback (8 Years Ago)

Corey had just found out about the affair between Grace and Billy so he went to confront him where both Jordan and Spencer played peewee football. Their game just ended while Billy and Corey were in a heated argument.

"Bro you're really fast" young Jordan said to Spencer as he took off his helmet.

"Yeah and you got a good arm man" Spencer dabbed him up.

"Thanks, I'm-"

"Can we go now" Olivia shouted at her brother, prompting both him and Spencer to walk over to her by the stands.

"This troll over here is my sister" Jordan introduced them and Spencer stuck his hand out for Olivia to shake but she just sighed.

"You know you could have caught that pass if you didn't jerk left" Olivia told him rolling her eyes and young Spencer furrowed his brows.

"Don't mind her. She's just mad because she missed dance practice to come to my game" Jordan explained, annoyed with his sister.

"Not practice. Dance recital that was really important to me but as always you always get put first" Olivia argued.

"YoU AlWaYS GeT PUt fIRsT" Jordan mimicked, making Spencer laugh at their sibling banter.

"What kind of dance do you do?" Spencer asked now focusing his attention towards Olivia, staring into her big brown eyes waiting for her to reply.

"You really wanna know?" She asked in disbelief that he was actually interested in hearing what she had to say.

"Yeah" he nodded, flashing a candid smile making her blush.

"Ballet. I've been dancing since I was 4" she answered.

"That dope. Maybe you could show me some moves and we could go to one of your recitals one day"

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