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"Let's go Spence!" Olivia shouted from the stands of the game causing both Kia and Layla to stare at her. "What" she asked them chuckling.

"Oh nothing it's just you're cheering louder for him than his girlfriend, the actual cheerleader who's job it is to cheer him on" Layla says making the group laugh.

"She's got a point" Kia continued.

"Why did I invite you?" Oliva asked her sarcastically.

"Because you love me" she responded.

"Be careful, Olivia doesn't take well to the word love" Layla says referring to Olivia's conversation with Jordan and Simone the other night.

"I hate you both" she tells them before continuing to watch the game. After a few minutes, the game goes for half time and Hadley and the cheerleaders parade on the field giving the girls time to talk.

"So what's going on with you and Spence anyways?" Kia ask inquiring about Olivia and her ex-boyfriend. Olivia was fully aware of Kia and Spencer's history and didn't mind it because she knew everyone had a past, hers in particular that she didn't necessary want to come out.

"Well they've been hanging out a lot lately. Olivia can't really sleep at night since Shawn's murder so Spencer has been keeping her company at night. Who knows what they've been doing. If you ask me, Olivia still has feelings for Spencer but Spencer's with Hadley now so that further complicates things. It's like they take turns torturing each other." Layla explains fully amused by her best friend's drama.

"Oh really?" Kia ask egging the conversation on.

"No not really" Olivia say shaking her head. "Me and Spencer are just friends and he's gonna be the only friend I have if you both keep this up" she tells them seriously. Her feelings for Spencer have never changed since the day she met him but after burying those feelings deep inside for so long it was hard for her to resurface them and him being with her ex fling certainly didn't help the situation, neither does the fact that her boyfriend died less than 2 weeks ago.

"Okay we'll stop" Kia says putting her hands up in defense. "Did you find an escort for the cotillion yet?" She ask Olivia and she shakes her head no.

"I was suppose to go with Shawn..." she trials and the group stayed silent. "And now I can't find anyone else." She finished.

"What about Jordan?" Layla ask and Olivia gags. "Ew no I'm not going with my brother. Besides he's still mad at me for not "supporting his decision to marry his baby mama" Olivia tells them and they nod.

"What is Spencer doing?" Kia ask her smirking and Olivia glares at her.

"There's always Asher" Layla offers as a solution but unknowing to her, that solution is even worse. Olivia shakes her head before changing the subject.

"I thought Coop and Patience were suppose to be here" she says and Layla shrugs. "Yeah I thought so too"

Meanwhile in Crenshaw

"Coop we could have waited to clean out his apartment. It didn't have to be done today" Patience tells her girlfriends as she watches her box up Shawn's apartment in a panic.

"Nope, I gotta do it today. I promised Ms. Ruth I would." Coop tells her and she continue to rummage through his belongs.

Coop's POV

"We're suppose to be at Spencer's game" Patience tells me and I pretend to not hear her.

"Well Spencer's gonna have a million more games, this is the last place Shawn was" I mumble under my breath and she gives me a sad smile. I don't mean to be rude it's just my homie since day 1 just died and everyone expected me to just move on. Had I not gotten wrapped up in this music business, I could have had his back and none of this would be happening. But all that changes today. I'm gonna find who did this to him and make them pay. Regardless of the cost.

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