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"This is gonna be the last time we're able to walk through these halls together" Olivia said as her and Spencer waltzed down the Beverly hallway hand in hand. Spencer had already told Olivia about Corey's offer for him to play at South Crenshaw next school year and although she was happy for him, he could tell that she still felt a certain way about it.

"It doesn't have to be the last time, just say the word and I'll stay here in a heart beat" Spencer replied squeezing her hand. They reached his locker and finally released their joint hands from one another so he could open it. She let out a loud dramatic sigh as she leaned against his locker before replying.

"And let you miss out on the chance to play for your dad? I would never do that.. It's just gonna suck for Jordan because instead of going to all of Beverly's games, I'll be at Crenshaw's.." She answered and took a dramatic pause. "Do you think I'll look good in Charger Green?" She continued her jokes making him laugh.

"You look good in everything" he said bending his locker door so he could look at her.

"I don't know that green and yellow...not the best combo" Olivia shook her head, fake comptemplating. Spencer often enjoyed their banter but he also knew that Olivia sometime used humor to hide how she was really feeling. He didn't want this to be one of those cases where she felt overlooked or abandoned. He didn't want to trigger her, especially since she's been doing really well with her recovery. The fear of abandonment was something that they both shared, because of this they've been inseparable since they started dating.

"Seriously Liv, you gonna be okay?" He questioned, watching her body language go from slightly worried to more content as a small smile spread across her face. She pulled him in for a slow sensual kiss, letting her lips linger.

"Spencer, I'll be okay. I have Jordan, Simone, Layla. And honestly I'm just happy for you. You got your dad back and that's what you've wanted for a really long time" she answered genuinely. "And in the meantime I get to walk around the halls of Beverly telling everybody that Spencer James is my man" she said raising her brows, giving him a goofy smile.

"You too much" he laughed.

"Really because I don't think I'm doing nearly enough" she responded. They continued this way, going back and forth cracking jokes with cute innuendos while also stealing kisses in between. However, their sweet moments were unfortunately cut short when Rochelle came strolling towards them with her camera crew for the documentary she was working on for film school.

"Spencer, tell us why you're abandoning Beverly, a championship team to go back to the South Crenshaw Chargers who didn't even make it to playoff last season" Rochelle interrogated as she cut in between Olivia and Spencer. Olivia looked around and over her shoulders to make sure what just happened, actually happened.

Unwilling to dignify her ridiculous assumption with a clear answer Spencer simply stated, "no comment".

"Come on Spence, you can't even give me an exclusive" she flirted, resting her hand on his forearm. Before he could react, Olivia swiftly removed Rochelle hand from her boyfriend's body.

"Bitch he said no comment" Olivia said, now getting closer to Rochelle's face.

"Cut the camera" Rochelle told her camera crew from afar before redirecting her attention to a fuming Olivia. "I wasn't talking to you, BITCH" she snapped back, setting Olivia off.

"Rochelle, I will beat your disrespect ass" Olivia asserted.

"Do it" she barked and that's all Olivia needed to hear before slapped Rochelle across the face, hard. The slap could be heard throughout the hallway gaining the attention from everyone, including a particular Nosy Nelly. Hadley peaked her head from her locker and started to approach them.

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