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"Why do I have a feeling you only invited me just so you'll have a ride here" Layla ask while putting the car in park.

"Nah it's not even like that, I'll need a ride back to" Spencer responds and they both laugh before getting out of her car.

"So what exactly are we doing here?"

"My homegirl Coop is performing at this park and wanted me to support I thought it would be fun if you tagged along" Spencer says flashing her a sly grin.

"Like a date...?"

"More like a friendly outing..." Spencer says and before Layla could respond Coop approaches them with Shawn by her side.

Spencer's POV

One day. Just one day I wanted to go without drama. And there Coop goes bringing the drama literally to my face.

"Wassup Spence and.." Coop says trying to dap me up but my eyes stay glued on Shawn. "Layla..nice to meet you both Coop? And ?" Layla starts to say but I cut her off.

"What the fuck is Shawn doing here?" I ask my glare never leaving him. "I'd advice you to watch who the fuck you're talking you Spence, you don't want this smoke" Shawn says stepping to me, before I can take a step forward Coop gets in between us.

"Okay I'm confused" Layla says and my face soften because I forgot she was here.

"Yeah me to, who are you?" Coop ask side eyeing her.

"Layla, Spencer's"

"Friend" I respond quickly. "Now answer my question Coop, what is Shawn doing here?"

"Nigga you got one more time to talk like I ain't here" he huffs and Coop puts her hand on his chest and he relaxes. I can't believe she would ambush me with his presence. She knows how I feel about him. It's bad enough I have to leave her here with him while I'm at Beverly but now she's hanging out with dude.

"Look y'all need to dead whatever beef it is y'all got going on cause it's getting real old. SO while y'all do that me and uh...Layla are gonna go over there" Coop says pointing towards a stage "and we're gonna have a nice conversation about well you Spence" she says pointing at me and laughing before taking Layla's hand and dragging her away leaving me and Shawn in the middle of the park to stare at each other.

"Man I ain't got nothing to say to you" I tell Shawn about to walk away but he stops me.

"Well I got a few things to say to you. How you just gonna switch up on me man. We use to be best friends, we was like brothers and you just what up and abandon me? I guess you more like your pops than I thought" he says and I get riled up.

"Don't you ever...ever compare me to that man" I say pushing him and he doesn't even flinch.

"That's the point man, I was there with you through all of that. You was there for me when my brother died and yet you just tossed me aside like I ain't shit" he says and I can sense the emotion in his voice. He's right. I did exactly to Shawn what my pops did to me. I gave up on Shawn just because I didn't like what he was into with the gang nonsense. Kind of what I'm doing to Olivia. I'm giving up on her because of her addiction, telling myself it's because we're in two different places but that's far from the truth. I definitely feel something for her but I don't want to be the reason she gets trigged again. My thoughts get interrupted when Shown tries to leave.

"Look I didn't come here to fight with you, if you want me gone then Imma just leave" he says starting to walk away but I stop him. "Nah man. Stay. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I....I was just in my head because that life isn't what I wanted for you. I still don't. But if that's what you wanna do. I'm not saying I support you but I ain't against you either."

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