Chapter 1

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Hybrids. Human like animals with feathery wings, and a mind set out to kill. Lightning fast reflexes, strong, and the evilest creatures ever to live on earth. The last 300, are kept in a jail like building, and are trained to fight, and kill without a second thought. Every week, 10 are chosen to fight in an arena. To the death. This is filmed, and is a tv show, that the people outside watch for entertainment. They make bets on which Hybrid will be killed first. Or die last.

The one thing the people outside didn't know is that we aren't born from other Hybrids. The scientists in the Hybrid Center create us, and trainers train us to fight and kill. Killing isn't our nature, it's what we are taught to do. And if we refuse, then they hurt us. Names are alien, we get two letters and three numbers as our title. My best friend here is called DC475. But we aren't allowed to have friends, so we don't see each other, besides when we are taken out of our holding cells to eat. I am one of the only female Hybrids the scientist made besides DC475 and AL211. Me? I'm the only genetically modified Hybrid.

Instead of just wings, I have a tail, claws, and fang like canines. I also have cat like ears. I don't know what the scientists mixed me with, but I do know that they can't afford to have me die. Then again, I am one of the most skilled fighters here, so they don't have to worry that much.

Suddenly the door to my cold, concrete cell was opened. A burly guard with an electric wired baton in his hand. They shocked us with it we didn't behave.
"VL287! Your fighting today." He said in a bland voice. "Get out." I grit my teeth, and walked out of the cell.
"Walk." The guard commanded. I started walking to the Arena. He walked behind me, and it took all my willpower not to throw him to the ground, by flicking my wings in his face. We arrived at the armor room, the room where you get pathetic leather armor, and a weapon for the fight.

The guard shoves me inside the room, and throws a leather chest plate with rips and tears in it from previous fights, at me. Some areas are stained with blood. I slip it on over my wings, and wiggle them through the holes in the back of the chest plate. "Choose your weapons." He growled. Because I was a running champion in this sick game they forced us to do, I got to choose two weapons. I chose a long sword, and a battle axe. The guard grabs a helmet designed like a wolf head, and pushes me out the door.

We walk through the winding halls, until I start to hear the chants of eager fans, waiting for the bloodshed. He put me in a small cage like room, with bars that faced the arena. We were under the stands.
"Put on your helmet." He said, and locks the door behind him, leaving me stuck in the cage. I looked out the bars, into the bright arena, sand with old stains of blood dotting the ground. Then the crowd quiets down. A horn blares, and the bars are lifted. I hold my sword and axe tightly, and walk out into the arena, my long tail dragging in the dirt. The light blinded me for a moment, and I heard the crowd roar with excitement. I was pretty famous. But it's not like I want the fame.... I look around the arena, scouting out my opponents.

Random dude, random dude.... Wait. DC475?! I can't fight her! JM261, and DA120 are here too! These are my friends! I can't fight them! Let alone kill them! A voice says:
START!! The random Hybrid rush for each other. I sprint to DC475, and pretend to throw her against the wall, putting my axe near her throat, but not touching. Her eyes are scared.
"Once the ones we don't know are dead, let's try to make a run for it!" I hiss. She gives the slightest nod of her head, and pushes me off of her. She opens her wings and vaults into the sky. A amateur scientist messed up her genes, so she has really cool bat like wings. She hovers below the strong glass dome around the arena. A Hybrid crashes into me. They hold a mace, and swing it at me.

I dodge it easily, and sneak a quick glance at DC475. She was 'fighting' with JM261. The Hybrid fighting me kept trying to whack me with the spiked mace. Now I was getting mad. I pushed him to the ground, and pinned him down with my feet. His eyes turned terrified. He knew he was going to die....
"Rest in peace..." I whispered, before I plunged my sword into his chest. He gasped in pain, and the light faded from his eyes. I sighed, grief washing over me for a moment. He didn't deserve to die. The breeze from a sword being swung at me tickled my neck. I looked up. Another Hybrid. He was flapping his tawny colored wings, daring me to fight. I growled under my breath, and spread my wings.

I heard the crowd gasp. My wings are a dark, raven black, and look like a vibrant purple, when the light hit them a certain way. I jumped into the sky and beat my wings to stay in the air. I soon got rid of the Hybrid so intent on fighting me. DA120 crosses my path. We start fighting, but it wasnt real. Then I tripped him with my tail. He fell to the ground. I swung my axe up, and it slipped out of my hands, twirling up and sticking in the glass dome with a sickening crack. 'Accidentally' of course. I look up at the axe sticking out of the glass, and the spidery lines snaking out from it. I beat my wings, and shot up to the top of the dome. The guards around the arena tensed.

But I just grabbed the handle, and pulled it free, a few shards of glass dropping to the ground. Then I completely ignore the almost broken dome, and dive back down to DA120. He was on his feet, and had grabbed his weapon, a sharp katana. The rest of the Hybrids lay dead, and it was only me, DA120, DC475, and JM261. I slide my weapons into the frayed rope I used as a belt, and nodded at them. They vault into the air, and fly straight to the weak point in the dome. The guards jumped up, and grabbed their loaded guns. We only had a few minutes before they started shooting.
"Go! Go!" I shout, as I spring into the air. JM261 smashed the glass with his fist, the weakened fiber shattering and creating a jagged hole. He flew out, DC475 following.

I hear gunshots, and bullets ping off the glass. Pain explodes in my shoulder, and I screech, trying to stay in the air, each beat of my wing making agonizing pain shoot from my shoulder. It wasn't as bad as when I would get beaten, but it affected my flying, so it made the pain worse. DA120 grabs my hand, and pulls me out of the jagged hole. Sunlight makes me blink.

"Come on! Move!" I said, panting from the pain, beating my wings up and down. I feel blood soak the tattered shirt I have on. JM261 holds onto my other hand, and keeps me from plummeting to the ground.
"This way!" Said DC475. We follow her.
"I'm ok." I said to DA120 and JM261. I flap my wings despite the pain, and they let go of my hands a little apprehensively.

We are now above a forest. Then, suddenly blackness laps at my vision like a wave. My wings seize up, and I fall like a rock. Tree branches whack my back, and leave cuts and gashes on my face. The last thing I remember after hitting the hard ground, is voices, and furry arms picking me up. Then I fade into blackness.

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