Chapter 20

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{Dan's POV}

I jump into the air, beating my wings. I looked towards the Hybrid Center, watching it burn. I hoped James was ok... I really hoped he was ok. Then I spotted a group of Hybrid Guards. They were coming towards us. I was suddenly engulfed in red hot anger. James could be dead, the city is on fire, and my only family is being torn apart. I grit my teeth, and almost crashed into Violet as I tried to go after the guards.

"Woah, Dan calm down." She said. I turned to face her, and saw her eyes widen in surprise.

"What?" I asked.

"Your eye.... It's... Its Gold."

"Huh?" I said.

"Your eye is gold, it's like glowing a molten gold color." She explained. "It's actually kinda cool."

"Ok..." I said. "Can I go kick some guard butt now?" She grinned.

"Absolutely." With that, I dived down to where the guards were. I barreled though the group, knocking them down. They let out shouts of surprise.

"Hello mates." I said. And then I sprang into action.



I grabbed my three blade sword, and stabbed a Hybrid guard in the stomach. I didn't even care, I just wanted out. I was NOT going to burn alive in this prison. I raced through the corridors, trying to find a way out. My wings brushed past a flame, and my feathers caught on fire. I let out a yell, and batted at it with my hand. It sputtered out, some of the feathers burnt. I burst out of a door, and into the bright sunlight. But then I heard a loud rumble, a deafening roar, and a blinding light, and then nothing.

{Violets POV}

I flew up into the sky, watching the City burn. I turned quickly towards the Hybrid center when I heard an awful boom. I could see a shock wave coming from it, knocking down smaller trees, and up rooting the bigger ones. It hit me, and I was flung backwards, hitting a tree hard. I gasped, and then a bright light over took my vision.

{Jason's POV}

I watched Violet hit a tree, thrown back by an invisible force. I grabbed Darcy's hand, and started teleporting as fast as I could. I had to get Darcy away from here. But I could sense the force getting faster, and destroying everything in its path. It hit us in the middle of a teleport, and I hugged Darcy to me, trying to keep her safe. We hit the wall of the city, and the force snapped my neck back, but Darcy was safe. That was the last thought I had before everything went white.

{Third person}

Everyone was affected by the shock wave. The Hybrid center had exploded, and let out an invisible force that wreaked everything. Mitch and Jerome watched the hybrids they had saved, fall, and shared one sweet kiss before the force got them as well. Preston started panicking, not knowing what was going on, but Rob brought him into a comforting embrace, lightly pressing his lips to Preston's. And then they were hit by the shock wave. Lachlan and Vikk knew the couldn't run, so Lachlan gave Vikk an peck on the lips, before hugging him tightly, and waited for the wave together. And then for anyone else near by, the force hit them as well, and their visions went white. The forest fell, and the city crumbled. And the Hybrids laid on the ground. Never to move again.

{still third person}

Jason wasn't breathing. But he watched with heavy lidded eyes as a hybrid lifted their hand. And then his eyes closed, and he knew nothing more.


And that's the end. Do not worry! There will be a sequel. And I'll give you this one hint. No one has died. :3 also, the new character is Skydee_Trash so, shout out to him, because he is amazing, and I thought he should have a spot in the book, even if it is the last chapter. Thank you all for liking, and commenting, and reading, because it really makes me happy to see how any people have enjoyed this book. Comment if you are excited for the next book ^w^ Thank you, and bye my lovely Ender Dragons.

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