Chapter 17

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(James' POV)

This just doesn't make sense.

Something doesn't add up.

We have been free for about a week and a half now, and the guards still haven't found us.

Then they come with this beast thing, who turns into a boy I might add, and don't even put up a fight.

Another thing.

The hybrid center was creating beast/ human hybrids now?!

Since when?!

But maybe that would explain why Darcy had leathery bat wings, and now a tail...


I walk out of the tree house, and jump off, gliding under the branches to the clearing.

Just as soon as I was about to land, a net wraps around my wings, and arms.

I shout in surprise, and plummeted to the ground.

I landed with a jarring thump, my bones aching.

I groaned, and tried to untangle myself from the net.

A foot appeared on my back, pushing me into the grass.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Hybrid." They spat. I could feel my blood boiling with anger, and just enough shock to feel fear.

The guards found us, did they get the others?

I had to warn them!

A bigger though went through my mind, and it chilled me to the bone.

I was going back to the Hybrid center.


(Jason's POV)

I raced through the trees, expertly teleporting to the branches.

Unwillingly, my mind wandered to Darcy's mind. I felt happiness, and a longing, but I couldn't figure out what for. Violet was with her, as well as Dan and Allie.

"Darcy!" I yelled urgently. She answered almost immediately.

"Jason! What's wrong?" She asked.

"The guards are here! They are hiding!" I told her. Violet couldn't hear them because they were using new technology to hide themselves from her.

"What?!" She said in surprise. I arrived at the tree house they were in. "The guards found us?! Where is James?"

"James has been captured. I know some people that can help. Do you trust me?"

"What?! Oh no... Not James! And yes... I trust you." She said, fear, and shock evident in her mind.

"Then look outside." I said. I could feel her confusion, and saw Darcy's head turn to the window. Her eyes widened, and her mouth curved into a small smile. She rushed to the door, and flung it open.

"Jason." She whispered, standing in front of me.

"Hi." I said, a tentative smile on my face. She grinned, and threw her arms around me. Her head reached to about my stomach, since I was so tall.

I wrapped my lanky arms around her, and relished the feeling of belonging. Violet came out.

"Darcy? Who is this?"

"This is Jason." She said, pulling away from me. "He can talk to people in their minds."

"Hello." I said. Violet's eyes widen.

"He says that the guards are still here. He can hear their thoughts. And..." Darcy hesitated. "James has been captured."

"Ok." She said, her face worried. "If you trust him Darcy, then I'll trust him too. We have to get Preston and the rest of the pack. If the guards know that we are here, then they will get in trouble as well. Jason, can you talk to James right now?"

"Yes." I said. A guard was taking him back to the Hybrid Center, but I could still reach him.

"Please tell him to hang on, and that we are safe. We'll be there soon. We have to save all of the hybrids. I'm done seeing them be in cages."

I nodded, and let my mind wander.

I found his mind, and was plunged into a ocean of panic, fear, and anger.

"James." I said. "You have to listen to me."

"What?! Whose there?! Why can I hear you in my head?!" He yelled.

"Violet and the others are safe, you have to hang on. They have a plan, just hold on until they can get to the Hybrid Center." I told him

"... They are safe?"

" Yes."

"Alright. I'll hang on."

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