Chapter 8

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I stood still in horror at the mob of people around us. The man we saved was looking around, even though he couldn't see us, I knew he was aware of our wings. He was shaking. I curled my tail around my legs, and kneeled down next to him.

"Hey... Are you ok?" I asked softly.

"You are a Hybrid, aren't you." He said bluntly. I hesitated.

"Yes. I am." I said. He smiled.

"You exposed yourself to save me." A sad look shadowed his face. He looked up, and even though he was blind, his bright green eyes stared into mine. "Thank you." I smiled.

"Your welcome." I said. An idea struck me.

"James." I said quietly. He turned to me. "Come here." He walked to me, his brown eyes full of question. "Can I see your wing?" He unfolded one and extended it part way. I took one of his feathers, and pulled it out.

"Ow!" He said. "Watch it." I stuck my tongue out at him. I took one of my feathers and pulled it free. I put the two feathers between the man's hand.

"So you can always remember us." I said. He looked up. His eyes were filled with so much emotion. Sadness, frustration, and a little glimmer of love, hope. "Stay strong." How one person can hold so much sadness, I do not know. I've lived in the hybrid center all my life, but it's easier to hold on than to let go there.
I saw the crowd shift.

"Sub! Sub!" A voice called. The man we saved turned to the voice. A man with a long trench coat and silvery wispy hair pushed through the crowd to our circle.

"Ethan!" The man we saved cried. Ethan kneeled down, and wrapped Sub in a tight hug. I saw a tear run down Ethan's face.

"Don't ever try to do that again. Ever." He said quietly into Sub's shoulder.

"I won't." Sub breathed. "I won't." Ethan looked at us. He let go of Sub, whispered something in his ear, and walked over to us.

He opened his mouth to say something, but then thought different about it, and gave me a hug. I was surprised, to say the least, but I let him hug me. When he let go, I asked him a question.

"What's your relationship with Sub?" I asked. "How do you know him?" Ethan gave me a smile.

"He's my boyfriend."  I grinned.

"Keep him safe." I said. " James, let's go before the Hybrid guards come to clean us up." I leaped up into the air, the crowd gasping, some running away in terror. A sudden rush of anger coursed through me.

"You all see us as monsters!" I shouted down to the terrified people. "What monster would SAVE SOMEONE?!" My ears were flat against my head. "We have wings! Why does everyone think we are Devils! If anything you should see us as Angels! You watch a TV show where WE ARE FORCED TO MURDER OUR OWN BROTHERS AND SISTERS! The ones we grew up with, the ones we trained with! How would you feel if you were forced to kill your family?! Think about that." I glared at a few of the people, and then flew up to the building where Dan, Darcy and Allie were waiting. When we neared the top, I yelled,

"Come on guys! We have to go before the Hybrid guards catch up to us!" Dan jumped of the building, and flicked his wings out. Darcy and Allie followed,

"That speech was pretty awesome." Dan said. James nodded in agreement.

"Thanks." I said. "Now we better go. Stay close to the clouds, the guards will have a hard time trying to find us."
We soared though the sky, clouds brushing my back, dotting my wings with water. Let's hope we got out of the city soon enough.

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