Chapter 12: Another Hero School

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(Readers POV) (A Week Later)

Everyone in my class is riding a bus, heading to the tournament. Me and Katie are sitting together and Ivy and Dave are sitting behind us. Ivy stood up and rested her upper body on the seat I'm in.

Ivy: Who do you think is going to be at the tournament?

(Y/N): I don't know. It could be anyone.

Ivy: Come on. At least be a little excited.

Katie: What do you want us to say?

Ivy: Forget it. You two aren't fun.

Dave: I have been wondering...

Dave stood up and rested his upper body on the seat I'm in.

Dave: ...Have the students at the other school have to fight their combat teacher?

Ivy: Oh yeah. If they haven't done that, then we got this in the bag.

Fox: Alright everyone! I need your attention!

Everyone stopped talked and looked forward at Mr. Black, who's at the front of the bus.

Fox: I just received a call from a teacher at the other school and there is a slight change of plans. Only the top four students from combat class will be participating in the tournament!

Student 1: What?!

Student 2: You're saying we went through the torture of fighting you for nothing?!

Fox: I know it's upsetting to hear, but something major came up. Some sort of illness made most of their students sick and then we agreed that the top four will fight. So that means (Y/N), Katie, Ivy, and Davidson will only be participating.

Well that's definitely interesting. I hope they're all ok. Just hope those students don't have over protective moms like me.

Katie: That's definitely a lot of pressure to put on us all of a sudden.

Ivy: We'll be fine Katie. Remember, we are the best.

Katie and Ivy smiled at each other. Dave tapped on my shoulder, making me look at him.

Dave: Don't embarrass yourself or our school. We are going to show off our strength, so we can't look like a bunch of weaklings.

(Y/N): Yeah Dave. If we lose, we may get sent to take care of cows or whatever was bad back in the Medieval age.

Dave: Don't even speak that! Those aren't jobs a king should be doing!

I just laughed to myself. Today is going to be a fun day.

Student 1: So what are the rest of us supposed to do?

Fox: Those who aren't participating will be spectators and cheering on their peers!

Students: R-Right sir!

I sighed to myself and leaned back in my seat. I felt Katie grab my hand.

(Y/N): Hey, are you ok?

Katie: Y-Yeah. Just nervous is all. I'll be fine.

(Y/N): Ok. But if you need someone to hold on to... Ivy is behind you.

Katie: Hey! I don't want to hold onto her!

(Y/N): Dave?

Katie slapped my face. I rubbed my cheek, trying to soothe the pain. Katie sighed and hugged my arm, resting her head on my shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at her.

(Minutes Later)

I looked out the window and saw a stadium. A big sign lit up, saying tournament.

Fox: Ok everyone! We're here!

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