Chapter 81: The Mighty Fall

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(Super's POV)

I looked up at Imperium as he stared down at me, Top, and Growth. Imperium smiled as he threw several balls of red energy at us. Growth made a protective bubble around us, blocking the energy balls. I looked back and saw Imperium attacking the bubble from behind. I dashed out of the bubble, punching Imperium away.

Super: You're more predictable than I thought.

Imperium stopped himself as he flew right back at me. I dashed at him and reeled my fist back. I threw it forward, clashing fists with him. I started to struggle to push his fist back.

Top: Just hit him already!

I saw Top jump right at me. She kicked my arm forward, pushing past Imperium's fist and punching his face. He responded with a punch to my gut. Top kicked him away as Growth appeared next to me.

Growth: Don't get reckless. I can barely heal the wounds from his attacks.

I felt the pain in my stomach go away as I smiled. I jumped up as Growth made a ball of energy and launched it on my back, sending me forward at a high speed. Imperium looked at me and sent a blast of energy at me. I flipped around on Growth's energy ball and used it to block the blast. I punched the ball forward at Imperium. I quickly turned around as I saw him appear in front of me. I tried to punch him, but he vanished and reappeared at my side. Growth made a bubble around me, blocking Imperium's punch.

Imperium: Grr! Annoying bastard!

Top: Look who's talking!

Top went behind Imperium and and slashed his back. Imperium was about to kick Top, but she managed to block the kick with her trident. I went to punch him, but he blocked the punch with his arm. Growth quickly went behind him and slammed a ball of energy in his back.

Imperium: AGH!

He was sent flying forward, crashing into the ground. He got up and wiped some dirt off his shoulder. He disappeared from sight as me, Top, and Growth tried to find him.

Top: Where is he?!

I felt a strike hit my arm. I felt another strike hit my leg. Imperium is moving too fast for us to see now. I felt more strikes hit me from all over, making me fall down to one knee. Top and Growth did the same.

Super: Crap! We can't track him!

I looked over at Growth as he made another bubble around us. Cracks quickly began to appear on the bubble. I can see his eyes starting to dart around. Is he actually tracking him?!

Growth: Attack behind us! Now!

Me and Top quickly turned around and punched out of the bubble. We saw Imperium appear as we punched him in the gut. He gasped out as he was sent flying back. He landed on his feet.

Imperium: Like I said. Annoying.

Top stabbed her trident in the ground as Growth turned around to face Imperium.

Top: Good to see you aren't dead weight anymore Growth.

Growth: Please...

Imperium: You're growing. But I'm something you can't grow past. How are you keeping up with me?

Growth: I might as well tell you since you can't stop it. My Power, called Growth, allows me to grow past any obstacle. Sure, you are a big obstacle, but there is one thing that is helping me reach you. My Power isn't only trying to grow past you, but Top and Super too. They are accelerating this growth. And they also continue to get stronger. So soon, we can beat you.

Imperium: Is that so? Then I'll just have to kill you before that happens.

Growth: Weren't you trying to do that before?

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