Chapter 42: Super's Past

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(Super's POV)

I looked back at my son when I heard him say the word Growth. I felt many emotions fill my brain and body, none of them being pleasant.

Super: Where did you hear that?

(Y/N): Mom? Is something wrong?

Super: Wrong...?

My fists clenched tightly by themselves. Memories came back to me when I think about Growth.


I got out of Hero School. I'm so close to graduating and it's making me really excited that I'm about to make my dream come true.

Super: My body can't contain my excitement!

I felt two people grab my shoulders. I looked back and saw my two friends, Aria and Kia.

Super: What's up Aria and Kia?

Aria: I told you a thousand times to call me by my Hero name!

Super: Right. Sorry about that, Top.

Kia: Don't apologize to her. You should call her by her actual name, just to piss her off.

Aria got mad and punched Kia on his arm, making him punch her back. I saw Herculean appear behind the two and moved them apart, stopping any fight that was about to start.

Herculean: Man, I can't leave you three alone for a moment, can I?

Super: Hey Herculean!

Kia: What do you want dad?

Herculean: I want you three to follow me. You will get to see me stop some criminals. You will need to know how to take evildoers down effectively, so you all watching me should help with that.

Herculean picked me, Aria, and Kia. He jumped up into the air and flew over to a huge part of the city. He landed on a street and put everyone down.

Herculean: Now make sure to watch.


Herculean just got done stopping another criminal. I looked up at the night sky and it started to rain.

Herculean: Ok kids, it's getting late. Let's get you three back home-

He was interrupted by a fist punching him in the face. He got sent across the road.

Super, Aria, and Kia: Herculean!

I saw a group of three men, who are all dressed up in red cloaks, run up to Herculean. He jumped back towards me, Aria, and Kia.

Herculean: You three need to get out of here.

Aria: What? Why?

Herculean: These guys are bad news.

Assassin 1: Herculean. It's an honor to meet you, but sadly it must be on the battlefield.

Assassin 2: We just got paid big time to take your head.

Assassin 3: ...

Herculean: You three will listen to me. You need to get out of here. Those guys are big trouble and I don't want to see you get hurt.

Kia: Dad, I can't just leave you here.

Herculean just smiled and grabbed Kia, knocking him out and throwing him far away. Herculean also knocked out and threw Aria away.

Herculean: Listen. You may not have your Power yet, but please keep your head up. I just know you have the potential to becoming the best Hero this world has ever seen.

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