Chapter 100: Making The Gang

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(Readers POV)

I am sitting in my office, going through some papers.

(Y/N): Oh, I should get this bill paid.

The door suddenly slammed open. I looked up and saw Amethyst at the doorway. She is breathing heavily.

Amethyst: Rival, you're going to be late!

(Y/N): Late? I have until next week to pay this off.

Amethyst: Not that! Remember that interview you agreed to?!

I started to think about what Amethyst is talking about.

(Y/N): Ah... Um... Mmm... Oh yeah! I do remember that!

Amethyst: Good! Because it's going to start in...

She looked at the clock on my wall.

Amethyst: Ten seconds!

Crap! I've never been good at keeping schedules! I put the papers on my desk and stood up. I walked over to the window and opened it.

(Y/N): Make sure to look over that stuff!

I pointed at my desk as I jumped out of the window and into the open sky. I looked back and saw that I made a bunch of wind in my office, blowing the papers all over.

(Y/N): I'm sorry!

I shouted out to Amethyst, knowing that she'll have to clean it up and knowing that she can't hear me. I quickly landed outside of the building of the interview and entered the building and quickly found the room where my interview is supposed to happen. A female host is sitting at a desk and an empty chair is next to it. A group of people are sitting, waiting for it to start. I saw a camera man filming the stage the host is on. I quickly got on my chair and sat down.

(Y/N): Phew...

I fixed my hair.

Jessica: Are we on air? Hello everybody and thank you for tuning onto Jessica's Talk Show. Today we have a very special guest. The Number 2 Hero currently, Rival!

She pointed at me and looked over, jumping slightly. The crowd began to cheer and applaud.

Jessica: I didn't see you come in.

(Y/N): Hehe, sorry for the scare. I had one myself before I got here.

I chuckled to myself.

Jessica: So tell me, what's the average day for you like?

(Y/N): Average day? Well you know, just going around making sure everyone is safe.

Jessica: Is there ever a moment where you aren't out patrolling?

(Y/N): Honestly, that's very hard to tell.

Jessica: Interesting. So it's my understanding that you have a sidekick. Amethyst, the Restoration Hero. Why did you get a sidekick?

Crap, now I have to bend the truth a bit.

(Y/N): She was an upcoming Hero. I saw potential in her and I can say that she is meeting it quite nicely.

Jessica: I see... She is quite the cutie.

(Y/N): Is she? I never really think about that kind of stuff.

Jessica: I guess that does lead into my next question. What's your love life like?

(Y/N): My l-love life?!

Jessica leaned forward on her desk, like she's anxious to hear my answer. I saw the women of the audience do the same. I started to rub the back of my head. Crap, I can't tell people that I have 5 wives, then people might figure out who they are. But if I say I don't love anyone, my wives will kill me when I get back home.

THE HERO (Male reader x Female harem)Where stories live. Discover now