Chapter 61: Chris's Resolve

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(Readers POV)

I rubbing my cheek, trying to soothe the pain from my dad punching it.

Kane: That should get the message across. Don't ever run away from your mother when told not to.

(Y/N): Yes sir.

He chased me over to mom, so now me, Ashley, dad, Isabelle, and Tyler are back with mom and Katie. Isabelle and Tyler are still knocked out. Ashley walked over to Katie. Ashley bowed down to her.

Ashley: I am very sorry for my previous actions towards you. I hope you can forgive me.

Katie: Oh, huh, it's alright. I forgive you. But you should apologize to Grace. You stabbed her hand after all.

Ashley: You are right.

I saw mom walk over to me.

Super: So that's Growth's daughter, right?

(Y/N): Yeah, she is.

Super: Well... She doesn't seem like she'll attack us, but if she tries anything... Then I won't hesitate to stop her.

Mom warned me. I nodded my head.

(Y/N): I'll make sure it never comes to that.

Mom smiled at me and patted my back.

Super: Good.

Everyone started to hear something beep. Mom looked at her wrist, looking at the watch like device on it. She pushed a button on it.

Turbo: This is Turbo! I need all available Heroes to my current location! I have located Growth!

Super: Ok everyone, we need to leave immediately!

Mom started to run in a direction, making everyone quickly follow her. I hope Turbo can last long enough against Growth for us to make it to him.

(Chris's POV)

I was in the middle of the street. I watched as Turbo was dodging attacks from a man he called Growth.

Turbo: Growth! You are under arrest for a lot of things! Come in quietly and no harm will befall onto you!

Growth: Please, like that will actually make me comply.

I couldn't keep track of their movements. I looked above me and saw Growth punch Turbo down to the ground, making him land right next to me.

Turbo: Crap, this isn't good.

Chris: Are you ok Turbo?

Turbo: I'm fine, just stay out of this.

Turbo got up and light surrounded his body. He disappeared as I felt the shockwaves of several attacks behind me. I turned around saw what looked like numerous Turbos running around Growth. All the Turbos attacked Growth at the same time, but he didn't seem to be affected.

Growth: At the level I am at now, you are an ant compared to Mount Everest.

Before Turbo could move, Growth double punched him and sent him back down into the ground, landing a couple feet away from me. I can see Turbo struggling on to barely stay conscious.

Growth: Well, that was a fun warm up for sure. Time to find Super-

I launched some of my dark red energy at him. He looked over at me and raised his hand, releasing some energy of his own which deflected mine.

Chris: What the hell?

Growth: Please, child. I do not wish to hurt someone so young.

Chris: I'm going to be a Hero, so I'll stop you no matter what!

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