Chapter 88: Forgotten Memento

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(Readers POV)

I followed the woman with the trident for awhile. We entered a building and I was greeted by several people wearing suits. I heard some doors open, making me look over and saw a bald man wearing a suit walking towards me.

Smith: So glad that you two could make it.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Smith: I am Agent Smith, I work for the Hero Government.

(Y/N): Agent Smith? I could've sworn I heard that name in a movie.

He chuckled to himself as he looked at me.

Smith: Please, it's just an official undercover name. Follow me.

Me, Smith, and Top all walked into a room. There isn't any windows and I noticed a subtle purple aura at the doorway before disappearing completely. Smith sat down on a chair. Me and Top sat down on chairs across from his.

Smith: So you are a Hero, isn't that right?

I pulled out the license from my pocket and looked at it.

(Y/N): ...Yeah, I'm the Hero... Imperium...?

Smith: Ah, I see. So, what is your Power?

(Y/N): Power. I can make a red aura come from my body.

I made a small red aura come out of my body.

Smith: Is that all you can do?

(Y/N): Yeah, that's all I can do.

Smith: You must have a lot of experience to become a Hero then.

(Y/N): ...I guess.

Top: How are you a Hero?

(Y/N): What does that mean?

Smith: There is no Hero named Imperium in our data base. So where did you come from?

I was about to answer the question, but I couldn't think of a response.

(Y/N): I... Don't know.

Smith looked at me with an intense gaze.

Smith: I can tell you are telling the truth. I can tell, you aren't a threat.

(Y/N): Wait, you thought I was a threat?! I couldn't react to the blue haired woman!

Top: That is true, I could've killed you if I wanted to.

(Y/N): K-Killed?! A bit harsh from a Hero.

Smith: Don't mind her, we got done with a major incident about 6 months back. We had to take extra precautions is all. I hope you can understand.

(Y/N): I guess I do.

I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it and it doesn't lead to the building anymore. I saw a blue haired boy holding a purple trident and pointing it at me in an open field.

Davidson: Don't move a muscle!

I jumped from surprise. The blue haired woman came out and put the boy's trident away.

Top: You don't have to be hostile. He's safe.

Davidson: Really? If you say so.

(Y/N): So, who are you?

Smith: That is Davidson, or King if you want to call him by his Hero name. He's the Second Ranked Hero and the fastest ever to reach that spot.

Davidson: Yeah, I'm the King of this Kingdom, so you better not try anything!

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