Chapter 79: Struggle Against The Strongest

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(Davidson's POV)

I watched as Imperium is flying away. I want to go after him, but with Turbo in the way, that might be a bit harder than I'd like it to be.

Davidson: Coward! Get back here!

Right as he was about to leave sight, I saw a hand with a spring attached to it grab onto his leg. Imperium looked down at his leg as he was pulled down to the ground. He went behind some broken buildings.

Davidson: Who the hell was tha-

I looked over and saw Turbo dashing at me, his fist a couple centimeters away from my face. I bent back, dodging his punch. I tried to kick him, but he quickly dashed back.

Davidson: That was close.

I blinked and next thing I saw was Turbo stumbling back like he got hit several times. Isabelle appeared in front of me.

Isabelle: He's being controlled by that energy. But going off how he survived my attacks without being aware of them, then that must mean the energy is also making him stronger.

Solana: Thanks for the heads up blondie!

Solana dashed forward at Turbo.

Davidson: Solana! Wait up!

She ran past Turbo, making him go after her. They started to clash attacks at a very high speed. Light started to surround Turbo and was about to attack Solana.

Solana: Hey! Lights my thing!

Solana grabbed onto Turbo's arm and absorbed the light around his body. She quickly kicked him down to the ground. Turbo tried to get up, but Solana quickly got on top of him and blasted a bunch of light in his face. Everyone covered their eyes and waited for the bright light to disappear. When the light faded, I looked over and saw Turbo unconscious.

Solana: There. That put you down for the count!

Davidson: She's way stronger than I could've thought. Hey Solana! How did you do that?

She looked over at me and smiled.

Solana: That's my Power. I absorb energy from people and things and covert it into light that I can use. I call it Piercing Light!

Grace: That's great and all, but we need to see what happened to (Y/N).

I saw the red energy come out of Turbo and started to fly in the direction I saw Imperium heading before.

Davidson: Looks like we know where to go! Let's get going already!

(Imperium's POV)

I kicked off the hand that had a hold of my leg. I landed on the ground as I looked around, trying to see who did that.

Imperium: Show yourself. I don't have all day.

I felt the presence of someone nearby. I looked over and pointed a ball of energy at their direction.

Jester: Glad to see you could make it to the show.

I heard behind me. So I have a sneaky one. I looked behind me and saw a man dressed up as a jester.

Imperium: Who are you supposed to be?

Jester: Well I'm Jester, the Number 3 Hero in all of the world. It hurts my heart that you don't know who I am!

Imperium: I don't have time for your games, Jester. Leave now, before I send you to the next life.

I turned to face him completely. He put his hands up.

Jester: Don't do that! I still have so much I need to do here!

Imperium: And what might that be?

Jester: Stopping you is the top of my bucket list!

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