Chapter 20: Dave VS Chris

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(Dave's POV)

Chris jumped up at me. I made a wall of ice to block him. His fists went through the wall, with his dark red energy surrounding the wall and shattering it.

Dave: Such strength.

Chris threw his fist forward at me. I dodged his punch and punched him the stomach. Chris spat out some saliva. I made ice come from my fist, surrounding Chris in a bunch of ice.

Chris: This won't hold me still!

He screamed and broke all the ice. So surrounding him in ice isn't an option. He punched me in the face, sending me to the edge of the arena.

Chris: Where is all that confidence?! Are you already giving up?!

Dave: Like I would give up to someone like you.

Chris launched himself at me. I waited until he was really close to me. I jumped up, mimicking what Black Knight did to me and Ivy about a week ago. Chris is about to fly out of the arena.

Dave: Fell for a simple trick.

His dark red energy on his back started to grow, forming wings. He flew up into the air and kicked me down to the arena.

Dave: What the hell?

Chris: I watched your fight with Ivy! I noticed how she used wings so I learned how to do it!

I quickly got up and made some ice armor. Chris smiled at me and made a suit of armor, made out of his energy, around himself.

Chris: I can do so much more than you think, "King"!

I scoffed. This piece of garbage only knows how to take peoples tricks. I need to think of something I can do that he hasn't seen yet. Chris jumped up at me again. I made a dome of extra hard ice around me. Chris started to rapidly punch at the dome, cracking it.

Chris: Burn away.

I started to fill the dome with fire. The fire melted my ice armor away. More and more fire filled the dome. Chris punched through the ice, causing all the fire to burst out at him. Chris was knocked back a couple feet away. I brought my hand back and shot a blast of fire at him. Chris brought his back and shot a blast of his energy. The two blasts clashed. Chris's overpowered mine. I quickly put my arms up to block as much as possible. The blast hit my arms, feeling like it's about to burn my arms away. Chris stopped the blast. I fell down to one knee.

Dave: What the hell are you?

Chris: I am... Omega!

His hair spiked up and turned into a crimson color. His muscles grew a bit in size, causing his blue tank top to tear off his body. His eyes went blood red. Strong gusts of wind started to come from his body.

Chris: Get ready for my full power!

This guy is actually terrifying. If he's just now getting to his full strength, then I'm in some serious shit.

Dave: If this is full strength, then allow me to return the favor!

Fire came from my hand. I made it form into a trident. Electricity came out of my body, going all around the arena. I made a wall of ice behind me.

Chris: Yes! This is what I like to see! Fight me with all your strength so you don't die in this fight!

Me and Chris jumped at each other. I sent lighting at Chris, stunning him. I swung my fire trident at him, launching him up into the air. I jumped after him. Chris spun around and grabbed my arm. He threw me down. I landed on the ice wall I made and jumped off it.

Chris: Come at me "King"! And bow down to me!

Dave: I'll never bow down!

I tried to hit Chris with my trident, but he moved out the way and grabbed me. He made some wings and flew down at the arena. I surrounded myself in lighting and managed to get out of his grasp and made an ice sculpture of myself in my place. Chris crashed into the arena with the ice sculpture. I landed on the arena and dashed at Chris.

Chris: An ice copy?

I slashed my trident at him. He got launched forward. He bounced off the ice wall back at me. I swung my trident up at him, sending him back into the air. Chris started to scream and a bunch of blades made out of Chris's energy appeared above me.

Dave: This is like what Isabelle did during her fight with Rival.

Chris: Fall! Dark Energy Rain!

He even has a name for it! All the energy flew down at me. I made a wall of fire. Some of the energy went past the fire and cut me in several places. I jumped forward and saw Chris. He smiled at me. I slashed my trident and it went through him, his body turning to just dark energy.

Dave: N-No! He took my ice clone technique!

I looked behind me and Chris is there. He started to punch me over and over again. I spat out some blood. Chris kicked me down to the arena floor. I slowly stood up. Chris landed on the arena, shaking it. He slowly walked up to me. I released a blast of fire at him. Chris just kept walking towards me and grabbed my face.

Chris: It's a shame. You have strength and I'm sure you'd be a great Hero, but the one to win this tournament is Omega!

He surrounded me in his energy. I started to scream in pain. I looked at the crowd and saw mom. She locked eyes with me.

Top: Where's that promise you made?

Everything but her voice went quiet to me.

Top: I thought you would win. If you want to be called a king, be called my son, then you can't let this clown win.

I felt a surge of adrenaline course through my body. I grabbed Chris's arm and kneed him in the stomach. He let go of me.

Chris: Where is this strength coming from?!

I smiled to myself and kicked him down to the ground. I pointed my hand towards him and a ball of fire, ice, and electricity formed in my hand.

Dave: It's coming from your King!

I shot a blast made out of all my elements at Chris. He put his hands up and tried to push the blast back. I put more power into my blast. The arena started to get destroyed from all the energy. Chris started to get pushed back and was at the edge.

Dave: Now say my name!


Chris lost his footing and got launched out of the arena, flying into the wall of the stadium. I stopped my blast and took a deep breath. I didn't think I could combine my elements like that. I guess my Ultra Element shouldn't be underestimated, even by me.

Dave: I WIN!!!

The crowd started to roar in excitement. I looked at my mom and she just looked at me. I can't tell exactly what she's thinking, but I can tell she's proud that I won. I turned to look at (Y/N), Katie, and Ivy.

Ivy: Nice job!

Katie: Congratulations!

(Y/N) just gave me a thumbs up. I sat down on the arena floor and smiled to myself. Now all there is left is my sparring match with Super.

(Chapter 20 end)

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